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The next day was my first day of class, already I know. My first class was potions so I got Semen- I mean Seamus to show me to potions class. He was telling me how the teacher, Professor Snape was super mean and stuff like that. When we got to potions I said "Thanks Semen that was nice of you" "SEAMUS" He said clenching his teeth together. "What if I call you Semen as a fun nickname!" I exclaimed. He looked at me and I could see the fury in his eyes then he huffed "Why did I even try" then he walked into the class. I followed in after him I hit my head on the door and everybody laughed at me and I heard a guy yell in a low raspy voice "SILENCE" I lift my head from the floor to see a beautiful man with black hair to his shoulders and a cold glare. Damn he's hot! I didn't think I had a thing for older men but I mean I'd let this man hit it for free ;). He looked up at me because you know I'm taller than him and he said "You must be Ms.Hagrid" I was about to say something but then he cut me off and he said "Sit next to Mr.Malfoy" as he pointed to a blonde boy with his ruler. This man definitely has daddy issues I can smell it from here. I sat down and he said "What's up bean stock" and he and his friends laughed. I look at the fat boy on the table next to him  that I assume was his friend and said "what are you laughing at rhino" and he look up at me and he looked pissed. So what did I do this make things better? I flipped him off, duh. The blonde boy looks to me and says "My father will hear about this!" I look down to him and said "Oh you definitely have daddy issues." He looks up in a pure rage and then Snape looks at me and says "You, detention after school!" I don't know why but this made me so happy, actually I do know why, because maybe I can seduce him, duh. "Fine" I scoffed trying not to make it obvious I wanted to be alone with him for an hour ;). Alright he said in a cold tone and continued on with his lesson. All my other classes were boring except for my "dads"class, oh god that was torcher. he ran up to me and gave me a huge hug lifting me off the ground "Hello my sweet little dinkle berry!" everybody giggled. How's your day been? "Uh, good" I said vaguely. Then stupid Malfoy turned and said "well, she has detention with Professor Snape, so I don't think her day is going that great" everybody laughed and and he had a large smirk on his face, I could tell he was proud with his sly comment. "DETENTION?" he yelled in a worried tone. He squeezed me tight then said "Oh honey don't worry tomorrow will be better!"  He looked like he was about to cry, why is he so weird oh my god. "Hagri- I mean dad you're killing me." I said gasping for air. "Oh, sorry" he said then let go of me then went on with the lesson. After school it was time for detention and I went to my dorm and changed into a smaller skirt  and put on my ugly robe to cover it up until I was in his classroom. Then I walked very slowly to the classroom, hoping it would get Snape mad and then thing would get more...interesting if you're picking up what I'm putting down. Snape came rushing down the hallways looking for me and in rage he yelled "And why are you 30 minutes late?!". "I don't know sir, detention just isn't my top priority" I said look down at my nails acting uninterested. He grabbed my arm and grabbed me to the classroom and slammed the door shut. He handed me a pile of papers and said, "Here are your extra assignments, if you don't finish them by the end of the hour then you will have a week of detention and more work" He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and then said in a low voice "and I don't think you want that." He was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck. "No, I'm not gonna do the assignments" I said in a condescending tone. "No?" he said as he lifted a brow as he pushed me back down to my chair, "and why is that?" "I have a better punishment" I said as I pushed off my robe showing off my mini skirt and sat on the desk. His eyes went wide and he look at me in complete shock. "OH HELL NO" he yelled and stormed out of the classroom. I sat on the desk for a second, waiting for him to maybe come back but instead he brought professor McGonagall with him and he whispered something in her ear she looked shocked and look at me in disgust. "Ms.Hagrid, would you follow me please?" she said in a creepily calm voice. I followed her out of the classroom but before I left I turned and gave Snape and wink which made his face turn all red. He looked disgusted but I know he liked it he's just to shy to admit it now, duh. Ms.McGonagall took me into her classroom where Hagrid was waiting for me. Well crud.

One of a kind  (Snape x student)Where stories live. Discover now