Chappy 7

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-Takashi's POV-

"Shase? Are you still home? The school called and said that you didn't show up. Are you okay? Why aren't you at school?" I knock on the door and he doesn't answer. He didn't sound very good last night so I should check on him to see if he's okay. If he's even still here after that whole scene with his mother. I open the door and walk into the room. He doesn't seem to be in here. Hmm, that's weird, he usually makes his bed before he leaves. I look around the room and don't find him anywhere. "Kagami?" I call out his real name. I hear a groan come from the bathroom and hurry in there to find him on the floor, clutching his stomach. I lose control and begin speaking in my native language, forgetting I even spoke English. He doesn't hesitate to reply to my worry. After quickly explaining how he's been feeling this past week, I dial 911 as fast as I can.

"Sir, I need you to calm down. The ambulance is on it's way and should be there shortly. Please be patient."

I hang up and throw my phone to the side as I pull Kagami into my arms. "Please be okay, baby. I'm sorry." He doesn't look like my son Kagami. He's too pale and sleep deprived. I should have checked on him last night.

* * * * * *

"Sir, I don't know how to explain this any better, but your son is 3 and a half weeks pregnant."

I stare at the doctor like he has three heads. He took me aside from others to tell me this joke? "You're joking, right?" I ask letting out a light chuckle, hoping he is.

"No, Mr. Masamune. I'm not joking. Look, we ran some x-rays and we found that," he points to my sons stomach. "We then did an ultrasound and found a fetus growing inside of his stomach. It seems he has female reproductive organs and is able to be impregnated."

"What? How?" I ask panicked.

The doctor shakes his head. "We don't know. It could be that he developed them while in the womb because of some birth defect, but the good thing is he may be able to actually have this baby. C-section of course. It will take as long as a regular pregnancy as well. Same effects, same pain, even the same hormones. He'll need to take a certain medicine and-"

"I don't want it. I can't put him through that pain. I don't want him to have the baby."

"Y-You want him to abort it?" The doctor asks, obviously shocked.

"Yes. My wife would kill me if I allowed our only son to bring home a baby. Especially one that came out of his body. I won't allow it."

He gives me a hard stare then sighs. "I'm sorry, Sir, but it is his body so he has to choose whether he wants an abortion or not. And the father of the child also has consent on what to do with it."

I'll talk him into an abortion. I ask if he is awake and go in to see him after the doctor tells me he is.

"Are you okay?" I ask Shase as I walking and see him sitting up in bed.

He gives me a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you."

I smile in relief. "Thank God."

He frowns then stares down at his hands, glancing at me slightly, "Did they tell you?" His voice was small, almost a whisper.

"Yeah," I reply running a hand through my hair.

A sob slips and he buries his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry," he repeats while crying. "I don't know what to do dad."

"Get an abortion," I say simply.

He stares at me the same way the doctor did about ten minutes ago. "What?"

I repeat it and he begins to cry harder.

Maybe I shouldn't do this to him. I'm only thinking of myself. How my wife will treat me. How she'll think I love Kagami more than her. Maybe I can talk to her about it and have Kaga stay somewhere while his stomach grows?

"Kaga, stop crying. Forget I even said that, okay? I'll be right back," I say calmly.

His crying calms down and he nods before I go into the hallway and call my brother.

"Well, well, well. What a surprise to hear from you. You still treating my nephew like shit? How is the sweet kid anyway?"

I sigh and rub a hand over my face. "He's fine. Look, I need him to go live with you for a while."

"Sure, what for? You guys finally decide you don't want him anymore?"

"I'll explain later."

"Fine, this is gonna be great."

"Yeah. Fan-fucking-tastic." I hang up the phone before he can start blabbering on and on about him and his husband and go back into Kaga's room. I sigh when I find him cuddle into his stuffed bear that I brought for him. "How could I ever hate you?" I ask myself in a whisper as not to wake him.

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