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-Shase's POV-

"Didn't I tell you not to roam the halls without a pass?" I ask with a deadly glare.

"I-I-I-I-" he starts, but I cut him off.


His eyes widen. "B-But- Shase! I can't have detention! I need to swim at the next meet!" He starts pleading for me to not give him the slip, but he should have thought of that before ditching class.

"This is the fifth time this week and the second time today. I know how bad you want to be at the meet, but I can't let this one slide." I start to fill out the detention slip when I feel a fist connect with my mouth. My head snaps back from the impact then I slowly lower my head back down to give him my usual, emotionless expression. "I don't think that was necessary," I tell him, my voice now monotone.

"Fuck you," he says to me then spits on my face.

I just sigh and finish the slip, shoving it into his chest and walking away. I go to the bathroom and wet some paper towels, sighing again. This has been happening a lot lately. It hurts. What bothers me most are the scars it leaves behind. I clean up the blood and spit and leave the bathroom, going back to the hallway. I absentmindedly reach up and trace a scar that runs from under my left eye to just past the right corner of my mouth.

This scar was given to me last year by some assholes who got fed up with my constant "nagging". I didn't really care how annoying I was to them. I'm only taking my "job" seriously.

Then they thought it to be funny if they made me scared of them. It didn't work though. At first, it started with them just teasing me about my sexual orientation, but when they realized that didn't bother me much, they began physically hurting me. The first time they only gave me a few unnoticeable bruises. They began to give me black eyes and busted lips when that didn't work. The worst thing they did was jump me outside of school. Their ring leader, Jean, had held me down and left the gash across my face. They continued their regular beatings after that until they all graduated. I probably should've told an adult about it, but I figured they'd just give me worse treatment.

I had little muscle then because I was still small. I grew at least a foot over the summer and I did a lot of exercising and weight lifting, so I'm no longer the small weakling I was last year. All I did during that summer was take up the bad habit of leaving scars on my wrists. My parents yelled at me for not studying over the summer, so I could get into a good college, but I already know I will, so why bother. They didn't even care that their son had been harming himself.

I push those thoughts aside and check the courtyard for any ditchers. I spot a small group by the big oak tree outside. I make my way towards them. When I get to them, I stand there watching them then clear my throat to get their attention when they don't notice me.

They were all smoking. Which is, obviously, prohibited on school grounds. I recognize the tallest one in the group and glared at him. "Haven't I warned you enough times, Brady?" I growl at him.

He gives me his heart-melting smile. "Well, hello to you too, Shasey. Why don't you go bother someone else?" He takes another drag from his cigarette.

My glare becomes more harsh. "Put it out before I write you all referals."

One of the boys steps up to me.

I watch Brady just shrug.

"I'm not responsible for anything that happens," he says looking straight at me.

My attention is directed back to the boy in front of me. He is barely a few inches shorter than me, but has a much larger build than myself.

"I suggest you just walk away, freak."

My brow furrows and I give him a sickly sweet smile, ignoring the name calling, "I'm not going anywhere." I must look like the craziest person in the world. The scar sometimes makes my face scarier than it should look. But I use that as an advantage.

He throws his fist, but I stop it before it hits my face. I don't need my lip busted any more than it already is.

To my disappointment, his other fist smashes into my lip before I could stop it. I could feel it splitting more and blood oozing from the wound. I retaliate by headbutting his mouth and he instantly falls in pain from the force of imapct. I let him fall to the ground and glare at the other boys standing there, watching in awe. "I think class is still in session. Would you like to go there, or the principles office? Maybe you'd like to join me and your friend in the nurses office?" Everyone runs off to class, leaving me, the heap of idiot on the ground, and Brady, who is watching me with a heated gaze. "That includes you, Brady."

He steps closer to me and cups my face in his hands, tilting my face upwards. "You're bleeding," he states, his brow furrowing.

"Who's fault is that?"

He smiles, "Mine." He leans down and licks up the blood from my chin to my lip. Our lips brush and he licks the wound on my lip.

I back away from him and help his friend up from the ground. "If this happens again, I'll get you expelled," I say walking away, pulling the idiot along with me.

"You said that last time!" He yells to me.

Why do I go easy on him? Why do I allow him to do what he does? Why does he continuously tease me?

I don't know how much longer I can take it.


Hallo Kohai's!!
This is the finished edit. This story was previously known as Hall Pass.
Please enjoy. This is my very first mpreg and I'm pretty proud of the outcome.
Please, leave your thoughts in the comments.
-Senpai out!!

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