Chappy 16

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Short chapter.
-Shase's POV-

"Oh! Kaga! I forgot something in the car! I'll be right back!" My dad yells then runs out. He returns with a large case. "I bought this for you since your mother broke your old one. I know how much you love it, so I'm already paying for a grand piano for you," he says as he pulls out a brand new keyboard.

I fall as fast as I stood up. There's a large pain in my stomach and I groan from the pain, yet I want to scream. Everyone around me freaks out and I'm quickly lifted into Kelsy's arms. He rushes me out to my dad's car and the pain comes again. This time, a scream escapes my lips and I begin crying from the pain.

When we arrive at the hospital, I'm rushed into the emergency room.

"He has to go into surgery now or he'll lose the babies," the doctor says to someone.

He gives me a grim look and rushes me into a private room before starting the procedure. As they were cutting into me, someone comes in and grasps my hand tightly. I look up to see Freddy with tears in his eyes, looking down at me with hope in his eyes. The sudden sound of a baby crying had us both crying tears of joy.

* * * * * *

I lay in bed, thinking about my babies. I only got a glimpse of them before they were rushed off for cleaning and a checkup. They gave me something for the pain, but it still feels tender to touch. I run my fingers along the stitched area and wince. "Ow." I'm stupid. Of course it still hurts. I'm in here all alone because everyone hurried to where they have all the babies so they could see mine. My dad already chose names for them. Yuki Sasha and Akira Jordan. No one knew the gender of them, so he chose unisex names, I still don't know their genders and it's killing me. I'm happy though. So happy.

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