Yoongi- Flu

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Hey guys! Sorry again its not as long as I would like but I hope you enjoy. requests are open and always welcome. At this time any Jin requests would be amazing  :)

For the past few months BTS haven't stopped. They have had constant schedules with the next comeback, including photoshoots, interviews as well as dance and vocal practises. What really pushed Yoongi over the edge was when they did a whole day of rehearsals for the concert.

They had all finished for the day. Jin and Namjoon where collecting all the water bottles and tidying up the studio while Taehyung and Jungkook somehow still had energy, Jimin had said it was from the adrenaline, Yoongi and Jimin were both leaning against the wall gathering their energy for the walk to the car and Hoseok was the one calling for the car to pick them up.

"Okay, Cars here, lets go." Hoseok addressed them all with a happy smile on his face.

"Yes, ill race you" Taehyung yelled running out of the studio

"Not fair!" Called Jungkook "You had a head start" and then Jungkook was gone too.

The rest of the members looked after them and just laughed.

"Let's rest well, we have a day off tomorrow" Namjoon said being the last to leave and turning the lights out.


Jin was the first to wake. It was only 9am so he decided to clean the kitchen before starting breakfast for the rest of the band. Namjoon was the next to rise, he came into the kitchen yawning and stretching.

"Morning Hyung" Namjoon greeted. Jin turned around smiling "Morning Joonie, I'm just finishing breakfast if you want to take a seat." Namjoon nodded and went over to the coffee maker, making a fresh pot for when the others wake up as well.

They both jumped when they heard loud laughter and the kitchen door banging open.

"Yah!" Jin shouted turning round to see Jungkook and Taehyung wrestling with each other. "No wrestling in the kitchen" he scolded going back to the eggs he was making.

"Sit down" Namjoon said softly as the two youngers bowed their heads in embarrassment. They both sat down next to each other and giving each other sly grins behind Jin's back that Namjoon smiled at quickly turning it into a cough when the oldest turned around.

"Don't join them Namjoon, You're not too old for me to scold" Jin threated waving the spatula around.

"Let's eat some eggs" Namjoon quickly changed the subject passing out the food while the two youngest smiled at each other.

As the morning progressed the last members trickled down, Hoseok and then Jimin and lastly Yoongi. As Yoongi came into the kitchen all the members stared. He was pale and sweaty and shakily fell into the chair next to Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hyung, you have a fever" Jungkook said looking at Yoongi with concern.

"Here's some tea and some toast" Jin placed the meal in front of the sick member.

"Um Hyung-" Yoongi started before he turned a sickly shade of green and dashed to the bathroom.

"Oh Dam" Namjoon cursed rushing after him. The others stared at the table not sure what to do or how to comfort the older.


As the day went on Yoongi stayed in the bathroom, not wanting to risk getting ill anywhere where the others would see or where they would hover. A little after noon he heard a timid knock although no one entered.

"Hello" Yoongi rasped out

"Hyung" He heard Taehyung's voice.

"You can come in Tae" Yoongi sighed leaning back against the bathtub. Taehyung poked his head around the door smiling at his Hyung who still looked pale and sickly sitting on the floor.

"We wondered if you wanted to come into a bedroom where it would be warmer, no one has to stay with you or one person can if you want" Taehyung rushed out all in one breath.

Yoongi let out a light laugh before nodding his head. "That would be nice" Taehyung smiled before helping him up off of the floor and into his bedroom.

"Can you get Jin Hyung for me?" Taehyung agreed and went off to get Jin once he had Yoongi settled.

Jin came into the room closing the door and bringing in a cup of tea and some crackers as well as a bucket for an emergency.

"Let's get some sleep" Yoongi just hummed his eyes slipping closed as he fell into a light doze while his Hyung stroked his hair away from his still slight sweaty forehead.

As Yoongi was sleeping Jungkook came quietly into room,

"Bring him into the lounge to snuggle." Jungkook whispered

"Why, he looks comfy here?" Jin questioned

"We are making a nest so we can all be together to watch something, it might make him feel better" Jungkook shrugged "You know, silent comfort"

Jin laughed "Alright we will be down when he wakes up" Jungkook smiled and walked towards the door.

"Oh, send up Joonie and Hobi" Jungkook nodded as he left the room continuing on his mission.


Jungkook. Taehyung and Jimin had collected all the blankets they could find as well as all their fluffy pillows that they made a giant nest in the middle of the living room floor.

"It's all done" Jimin called to the Hyungs as Jungkook set up the DVD player putting in the first avengers, already getting started for the marathon they are going to have of all the films. The rest of the band came into the room, Yoongi leaning on Hoseok and Jin bringing in a bucket in case of an emergency. They all settled down with Yoongi near the edge next to Jin and Jimin in case he needed to get out. On the other end Jungkook settled so he had easy access to change the films, Taehyung was next to him with Hoseok and then Namjoon next to Jin.

Yoongi finally relaxed as the film started, it was the best that he felt all day.

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