Jimin- Heat Stroke

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Thank you all for the support and requests you have all been extremely helpful. Sorry if it's a bit short but there is a part 2 in the works and this was the best place to leave it. Keep happy and safe and hope you enjoy :)
TW for seizures

They band were shuffling along the airport to get to the departure for their flight to Macaw for their next run of shows. They were all exhausted from the long hours of meetings, dance and vocal practices.
Yoongi was at the back of the group ensuring that none of the boys were left behind. He glanced up from the floor, keeping his head down and tapping to the beat of his music was his way of getting through the crowds, he saw Jimin take a stumbled step and then he stopped.
"Jimin?" Yoongi questioned the suddenly pale boy.
Yoongi grabbed the boy round the waist as he started to pitch forward.
"Dizzy." Mumbled Jimin as he leaned most of his weight onto his Hyung.
It was already a hot day in Seoul and all the boys had been feeling it, and trying to keep their dorm room as cool as possible despite all the warm bodies living there. Yoongi had already caught onto the paleness of Jimin although he scanned the smaller member and noticed the flushed cheeks as well as the shakiness and shivering he seemed to be enduring.
"Heat stroke" Yoongi responded guiding Jimin after the rest of the boys and felt concerned when he seemed to be dragging Jimin more than him using his feet.
"Soekjin!" Yoongi shouted already thinking ahead and that Soekjin would know more about what to do than he would.
It caught all the boys attention as they turned around and took towards the two behind them. At that moment Jimin lost control and went down. Yoongi not being prepared for the sudden fall went down with him.
That's when the convulsing started.
"Hyung!" Shouted Jungkook looking on and feeling fear as he watched Jimin shake and shudder.
"Hold his head" Soekjin ordered Yoongi. Yoongi didn't hesitate and stopped Jimin's head from continuously hitting the floor.
"I think it's heat stroke" Responded Yoongi. "He was pale and had flushed cheeks a-a-and he was shaking"
"Calm-" Jimin moaned just as Soekjin was responding "Sh Sh Jimin, you're alright, we're all here" He said calmly timing the seizure on his watch and holding Jimin's hand lightly. Soekjin looked up at Yoongi and put his spare hand on his shoulder. "Calm Down Yoon, he'll be okay"
Yoongi breathed and just nodded, his anxiety too much to continue the conversation.

Namjoon had taken control as the leader as soon as Jimin went down, he found a bench which he lead the two youngest too and then went back to Hoseok.
"Hobi?" He gently stepped in front of him, blocking the scene of Jimin with his two Hyungs. "let's go sit down" Hoseok let himself be guided towards the others as Namjoon sat him down and put his head between his knees, registering how short his breaths were. He sat with the youngers, back to Jimin, not able to see the shaking and trying to block out the moans.

Soekjin could feel the seizure slowly down. His arms not jerking as much and breaths coming easier.
"Turn him on his side, the recovery position" Jin guided, he helped Yoongi to roll him over, he knew that in some seizure patients they threw up after, he wasn't sure what Jimin's reaction would be.
They had rolled him over and were waiting to see if he woke up, the body guards that they had with them were finally returning.
"Where they go?" Yoongi asked Jin slowly still on edge and for him, words become hard when he felt this anxious.
"Went to get medical help and call an ambulance" Jin replied sitting by Yoongi and controlling his breathing more for him to copy.

"O-ow-ow" Moaned Jimin
"Hey, Hey, don't move" Jin rushed to his side and held his hand.
"Soekjin, can you come and explain what's happened?" the guard asked as he arrived with the medical staff.
As he went over Yoongi laid his body down next to Jimin, on his side so Jimin could see him.
"Hey." He whispered hoping not to overwhelm the boy.
"Hyung." Breathed Jimin eyes still flittering open and shut. "I hurt" He sounded so young that Yoongi felt sorry for him.
"I know, it won't be for long though" Yoongi replied.
"Don't," He swallowed before carrying on "leave me"
"Never" Yoongi reassured edging closing to him protectively.

Just then Soekjin came back with the airport medic and a paramedic.
"They want to take him into hospital" Jin whispered. "As precaution , I told then what you said and they agree, it could be heat stroke"
Yoongi looked up at Jin and nodded before looking at the others. They were looking over all pale and concerned faces. Namjoon was in conversation which their manager and a medic to discuss the next steps.
Yoongi was brought out of his thoughts by Jimin.
"Ah, Ah" Jimin moaned
"Hey, it's okay, it's over, take deep breaths" Yoongi reassured and controlled his breathing for Jimin to follow.
Yoongi turned towards the younger and saw the tears in his eyes and the small shivers that still wracked through his petite body.
Jimin gave him a weak smile, his eyes still fluttering closed every so often. The anxiety had gone down in Yoongi as the seizure has stopped and Jimin is talking.

The ambulance arrived suddenly to Jimin, all he took note of was that Yoongi was staying with him.
"No" Jimin started to flail not having complete control over his limbs at this time.
"Hey, Jimin" Yoongi cooed "Calm down, i'm not going anywhere"
Jimin moved but he slowed down and focused on Yoongi.
Yoongi smiled his gummy smile and held onto Jimin's hand tightly, as the paramedics brought over a stretcher and placed Jimin on it, he let out a sob.
Yoongi popped up next to him holding his hand.
Jimin looked around and made eye contact with the rest of his bandmates. Jungkook was starting to cry.
"Kookie." Jimin called holding out his hand for the younger.
"Hyung." Sobbed Jungkook rushing over.
"I'm sorry." Whimpered Jimin as the paramedic inserted an IV into his hand. Jungkook shushed him as Jimin started to cry again.
"I'll see you soon, yeah and Yoongi will look after you." Jungkook put on his brave tear stained face, squeezed Jimin's hand one last time and then walked back over into Taehyung's embrace.
"We'll meet you all at the hospital." Yoongi said aloud although looking at Jin.
"Will you be okay?" Jin wandered over to the younger and whispered to him.
"For him" Yoongi replied looking at a paled faced and still trembling Jimin "I'd so anything"
Jin smiled softly and patted him on his back as the stretcher to move and his hand slipped out of Jimin's weak grip.
"Hyung" Jimin yelled panicked
"I'm here" Yoongi rushed after him and took his hand again as they climbed into the back of the ambulance.
Yoongi gave one last small smile to Jin and the rest of the boys before the doors closed. He turned back to Jimin. He was lying on his side, eyes fluttering open and closed, looking pale and limp. Yoongi sighed as the ambulance starting moving and held tighter to Jimin's hand as he finally drifted to sleep. Yoongi let out his breath and finally relaxed as his brother did, with the knowledge that he was in the best hands possible.

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