Jungkook- Too Much

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*Hey Guys, sorry for the shorter chapter but when I finished it I thought it was better left as it was. Thanks*

"Hyung" That was the word that Namjoon heard the most when one of the members asked for helped. Mainly Taehyung when he couldn't solve a problem or needed help with a song melody. It was less heard by Jungkook, the youngest wanting to deal with things himself and only going to others when something was wrong.

"Hyung" Namjoon jumped and spun around to see Jungkook at the door. He was leaning on the wall looking pale and a bit shaky, last night he had gotten too dehydrated and too exhausted which resulted in his collapse. They had spent the rest of this day relaxing and keeping Kook hydrated and rested.

"What's up Kook?" Namjoon spun facing Jungkook and motioned him to the sofa worried he would fall again.

Jungkook followed the motion and sighed as he sat down. "Jimin was worried and then he threw up" Namjoon eyes widened.

"Why was he worried?"

"Cause I fainted again" Jungkook replied closing his eyes. This time it was Namjoon's time to sigh as he sunk lower on his chair.

"Do you know why?" Namjoon asked taking note of his pale colour and shaky hands.

"Dunno" Jungkook breathed leaning back on the sofa and closing his eyes. "Joon?"

"Yeah Kookie"

"How do you stop?"

"Stop what?" Namjoon asked

"Just take a break without feeling bad" Jungkook had finally made eye contact with Namjoon again waiting for his answer.

Namjoon thought for a moment before an idea come to him.

"Come with me" he replied getting up and then supporting Jungkook as he stood up and swayed before regaining his balance.

"Where we going?" Jungkook asked as he took Namjoon's arm to keep his balance.

"Somewhere that you can stop" Namjoon replied looking at Jungkook and smiling. Jungkook gave a weak smile back before holding onto Namjoon as he guided Jungkook out of the studio and through the company building.

"How far away is this place?" Jungkook asked feeling weary again. Namjoon noticed this and as soon as they got outside Namjoon held out his hand to signal a taxi to stop.

"It won't be far now Kookie" Namjoon relied helping the younger into the taxi and getting him comfortable before sitting in himself. As Namjoon whispered the destination to the driver without spoiling the surprise, Jungkook leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes. He could feel the motion of the car was making him feel queasy which in turn gave him a headache and started off the faintness again. Jungkook pulled on the sleeve of his older Hyung before he was too far gone.

"You alright?" The older asked taking a look at Jungkook and seeing the paler pallor of the younger and understanding that taking a taxi may not have been the best option. "Not too far, i promise, only 5 minutes" Jungkook nodded not daring to open his mouth or eyes in case of throwing up or vomiting.

Finally after what felt like an hour to Jungkook the taxi stopped. He reached for the door handle and throw himself out of the car before finding the nearest bushes and hurling into them. He felt warm hands on his back and holding him up as he started to slow down and take deep breaths.

"You're Okay Kookie" Namjoon whispered "I've got you" Jungkook stood up and lead back into his Hyung.

"Let's walk a bit" He lead Jungkook onto a gravel path that went into the trees.

"Let's not get lost Hyung" Jungkook smiled, Namjoon blushed but continued on the way.

"Lucky for you, I know this way the best" Namjoon smiled back cheeks still red.

They walked in silence for the reminder of the journey as they worked their way through the trees, following the path and listening to the nature around them.

It suddenly came to Jungkook that this was what Namjoon meant about getting away and every time he disappeared but came home calm and happy, waiting to help out the members when they were stressed. He could feel the stress leaving him and he felt better than he had in weeks.

"Here we are" Namjoon broke him out of his daydreaming and Jungkook looked at the place they were out.


The view they saw was sunset. The oranges mixed in with light blue and the outlines of houses in the distance had Jungkook staring.

"is this what you had in mind Jungkook." Namjoon asked as he found a spot on the hill that had grass and was growing daisies.

"Thank you Hyung, I feel better already" He settled next to Namjoon and took deep breaths feeling the coolness of the air and the gentle breeze that took the edge of the warmth that he felt climbing to the view. He looked over at Namjoon and saw him with his eyes closed and laying down. Jungkook decided to join him and felt the ground beneath him and the last of the anxiety and exhaustion from the last weeks leave him.

"This is where I come, to destress and to think. " Namjoon took a deep breath himself. "It works every time"

Jungkook looked over and made eye contact.

"I'm glad you have a place Hyung" Jungkook started "Everyone should have a place"


Neither one knew how long they had been on top of the hill until both of their phones started to blow up with texts and calls. Finally Namjoon decided to answer the call.

"Hey Hyung" He said casually putting the phone on speaker

"Don't hey Hyung me" Jungkook sniggered "Where are you, and where is Jungkook"

Namjoon raised his eyebrows at Jungkook before replying "He's with me"

They both heard Jin let out a sigh and murmur something to someone else

"Why the importance of knowing where he is?" Namjoon asked generally curious

"Jimin and Taehyung have been on the verge of breakdown since we realised that you had both left the studio." Jin look a breath while Namjoon and Jungkook made eye contact. "We had to separate them as they kept setting each other off, Jimin's with Yoongi and Hoseok is with Taehyung"

"Okay Hyung we're heading back now, Kookie's fine and he feels much better, see you soon" Jin let out a see you soon before hanging up.

"Let's go now Hyung, we need to go" Jungkook stood up and started to walk the way they came, worry was starting to fill him but not the overpowering emotion that had been haunting him. He felt more stable and more in control of everything he was doing. And right now he needed to comfort his Hyung's.

As Namjoon saw Jungkook walking back he smiled. He knew that the view had helped and he felt better. He knew that they had their Maknae back.

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