Invisible Barrier

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We had lost the city. Of course, that didn't matter anymore. Due to politics, Koenma demanded that Botan kept Keiko safe. Though I'm sure Botan would have wanted Keiko to be safe as well, it definitely sounded a lot worse to hear Koenma (whoever that is) tell Botan that she needed to be kept safe so Yusuke would continue to follow orders.

Now we were running through Keiko's school, Botan practically dragging Keiko along as I followed, walloping anyone that got too close. I had accidentally slammed my door brace too hard over some man that was about to stab Keiko with scissors. The screws snapped, breaking the metal pole. Our only weapon was Botan's bat, and I wasn't sure how much more it could take

It really didn't help that Shuichi had been calling me for nearly thirty minutes. Even Hiei had shouted my name trying to get my attention. Growling, I finally pulled the crystal from under my shirt.

"This better be important!" I yelled, slamming my bat into another man's face. One eye was focused on the Human World while my other eye allowed me to see what Shuichi was seeing. In turn, Shuichi could see what I was seeing as well. "Make it fast! As you can see, I'm a bit busy!"

"The Makai are after Keiko already?!" Shuichi asked alarmed at the speed.

"We can handle it, but I don't know how many are going to die from it'" I answered, slamming the bat into a woman this time. "We need a door brace, by the way. I broke it."

"Focus, Pippa," Shuichi scolded. "How long can you hold them off?"

"That's a great question that I don't want to know the answer to," I replied smartly as I jumped over the girl's, slamming my foot into an ambusher's face. "I've got this side of reality covered, Shuichi. I just don't want know..."

My fear kicked into over drive as we came to a sudden dead end. "Shuichi, I need both eyes."

As soon as I regained my sight, my bat slammed through three people, definitely breaking something in all of them.

"Pippa, you can't take all of them on," Keiko cried out.

"Botan, break the window! We're going to jump!" I ordered.

"We're three floors up! We won't survive the fall!" Keiko argued.

"Did I stutter? I know what I'm doing!"

I continued slamming my bat into people that got too close, waiting for the glass to shatter. It would be close, but I was certain I would be able to pull it off.

The moment the glass broke, I spun around, rushing at Keiko, grabbing her by her waist and jumping out the window as the ivy on my wrist shot to the metal gate on the roof of the ceiling. Keiko must have grabbed Botan, or I hoped she had. The infected had rushed after us, falling out the window to their possible deaths as we hung just a foot over the window.

With ease, I managed to lower us to where all of us could climb back into the school. We were safe for the moment. After taking a deep breath, I looked at the two girls who were trying to catch their breaths. "Is there a way to barricade this hall?"

"We can try," Keiko said as Botan hugged me.

"You're absolutely brilliant!" Botan cheered.

"We can celebrate later," I told her as I ran down the hall. "Shuichi? What's taking so long?!"

"We have monsters preventing us from getting to Yusuke. They have more cultivated humans than we believed," Shuichi told me.

"Fantastic," I sighed as I quickly stole a chair from a classroom and threw it down the stairs, taking out three infected. "I don't know how much time we've got." I gave a shaky sigh, "I-I don't know if I'll make it."

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