39: California Thoughts

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Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, Yoongi grumbled incoherent words as he slightly shifted in his seat on the train, brows scrunching together on who would be texting him so late in the night. Removing the glove from his right hind, the cold air instantly invaded any warmth the glove provided from his hand, and only worsened his mood as he read the text:

Tell me Sera's address, I'm sending her clothes. Also, don't send the money back to me, it's not for you, give it to Sera. Unlike you, she doesn't have such a shitty attitude. Don't mess this up, I want to choose a wedding dress for Sera.

The confusion was the only thing Yoongi could think of, but then his phone buzzed again, and his bank app notification popped up:

Min Da-Bin (****) forwarded $5,000

Thoughts still not processing, his phone buzzed once again from another message:

Don't be stingy and accept your allowance too and take your soulmates shopping. I'll be damned if my future son and daughter in laws keep wearing a hoodie and jeans.

Phone buzzing once again from his bank app again:

Min Da-Bin (****) forwarded $2,500

Not a second later, he received another message:

If you were as cute as Sera I would have sent you more.

Yoongi didn't move or even think until two minutes had passed as he put his phone down, and looked up from across from him. Sera was seated directly across from him on the other train seat, huddled in one of Jungkook's hoodie, Taehyung's jacket, and shared a fluffy blanket with Jimin, who sat next to her. Sera's body leaned towards the blond, her head resting on Jimin's shoulders, as his own head rested snugly on top of Sera's, both intoxicated by sleep and showed no sign of waking up soon.

They seemed to radiate warmth and Yoongi was slightly envious as they seemed really comfortable.

"Did your mom text you?" The voice next to him caused him to look up at Seokjin, who was half-asleep as he gazed tiredly at the bright screen of his phone.

"She gave Sera and me an allowance," Yoongi mumbled, her mind beginning to process again, wondering what just happened in America for his mom to grow such a sudden liking for Sera. His mother was such a hard person to please, and yet, here she was, favoring Sera over him. It didn't bother him, but he was just confused about how his mom even met Sera and would have to interrogate his sleeping girlfriend when she wakes up.

"We all receive an allowance from her," Seokjin confessed tiredly, sinking to Yoongi's side, slowly letting sleep take over.


"Aunty sends it to us every month. We don't use it because you don't know about it, but it's all in our savings account."


"How much is in our savings account?"


"You're in California for Heaven's sake!" Da-Bin all yelled out, exasperated to find the clothes Sera had picked out from the store were just more sweaters and more plain shirts with no excitement to it at all. Calm demeanor seemed to be discarded as she ended up pulling a nearby rack towards her and the other three girls, "I understand winter is coming soon, but at least put some effort. The person makes the clothes Sera," she then pulled away all the sweaters from the girl's hands and instead shoved a few more articles of clothing, "Wear the clothes, don't have them wear you!" Before pushing her into a nearby dressing room.

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