super fun and cool anime death

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i was listening to this song and got inspired so i'm writing a short angst thingy (listen to the music whilst reading for the best experience or smth)
lets also pretend i know what can kill a human and what can't, and also that i have the slightest idea about how to do first-aid shit

warnings of blood, death, gore(?)

consider voting because clout is fun and cool


He felt a cloak being wrapped tightly around the profusely bleeding wound, which sent another ripple of pain throughout his body, starting from the wound and blossoming outwards, making him clench his fists tighter. He bit down on the cloth again, knowing that he had to stay strong for his friends. Not just his friends, but for Techno, too. There was no way in hell he would leave that planet without him. Techno was everything to him, and he would rather put a second bullet in his abdomen than leave him here alone.

Though, as he pulled away the bit of cloth and spat another clump of blood onto the crimson-stained grass, Dream figured that his options were very limited. He would push through as much as possible, but he would most definitely have to break at some point.

He could catch a few words of what his friends surrounding him were saying. It was mostly his boyfriend asking to be handed different tools ("Bandage." - "Tweezers." - "Cloth.") and also whispering things to him every once in a while, telling him that he'd be alright. He also heard the line, "Tommy is going to pay for this, I swear to god.", which made him smile weakly.

Pain shot up his torso, and he pushed back tears as he bit down on the cloth once more. Everything hurt. He felt as if he would die at any given moment and, judging by the amount of blood he'd lost already, it was actually more likely than one would think. Seeming to have noticed his shallow breathing, Techno clenched his hand tight. "Don't leave me, Dream. I know you can get through this."

He was trying, of course. It was getting more difficult to keep his eyes open with every passing second. He had to keep them open, though. For Techno.

Even the pinkette was beginning to doubt his words, though. He'd gotten to Dream much too late. If only he hadn't gotten caught up in that stupid battle, he would have noticed sooner. Silently cursing his stupidity, he drenched a bit of cloth in rubbing alcohol, taking a deep breath before uncovering the wound.

It was terrible. Blood gushed from the bullet hole like a fountain, collecting in pools in the grass, permenantly staining it. Techno grimaced at the sight, swiftly cleaning the wound up a bit. If he didn't act fast, the best person in his life could be gone forever.

Tears stinging his eyes, he worked to clean up the bullet hole as much as possible, trying his best to ignore Dream wincing with every swipe of cloth against the wound. He wanted this battle to be over, he wanted to apologize for not getting to Dream fast enough, to set everything straight. Working under such pressure was almost impossible, especially with people (some of which he barely knew) staring at the scene anxiously.

He gestured for somebody to hand him the tweezers from the first-aid kit, which Sapnap did, and he both mentally and physically prepared himself. After a moment, Techno carefully attempted to extract the bullet, stopping instantly when Dream cried out in pain, his voice muffled by the cloth he'd bitten down on.

Taking another deep breath, he tried again, biting his tongue as he searched for the bulled with the tweezers. He could tell that Dream was resisting the urge to scream, biting down as hard as he possibly could and clenching his eyes shut. When he found the bullet, he gripped it, slowly pulling it out as the others around him looked as if they were going to be sick. At last, the bullet was out, and that was one more weight off of Techno's shoulders.

However, another was instantly added when Dream called out his name in the most pained tone he'd ever heard. "Nonononono," he said, wracking his brain to remember what he had to do. "You can do it. Pull yourself together, Dream. Please."

He reached for the bandages, but he knew just how little use they would be. Wrapping up the wound messily, he could feel warm tears begin to cascade down his face. Dream couldn't die. Not then.

"You do know that I love you, right?" asked the weak boy, moving his fingers to trail up and down Techno's shaking arms. He was quite aware of how slim his chances of survival were, and, to be completeky honest, he would have just accepted it if it weren't for his boyfriend, who was determined to let Dream live another day. Nodding, Techno frowned even deeper, the option to do so somehow still possible. "Don't you fucking dare even think about saying some death bed speech. You're not dying today."

Dream gave that weak smile again, lifting his head just a bit to see the person he adored so much. "It's not in our hands, Techno," he explained, not even glancing at the others, who had begun fighting a group of soldiers who'd found their hiding spot behind a tree. He shifted painfully. "I love you."

And with that, he closed his eyes, never to open them again. A sob rattled through Techno's chest, and he didn't even make an attempt to move from that position. He lost the one person he cared the most about in this world. It was just incomprehensable to him, as if he'd just been told that the Harry Potter series was based off of a series of true events.

Suddenly, he felt the cold metal of a gun barrel pressed against the back of his head. Everyone who was supposedly fighting had either been knocked unconsious or was dead.

"What are you going to do? Shoot me as well?" he asked, voice laced with loathing. He didn't out his hands up or anything. Frankly, he'd lost every care in the world for anything at that point. "C'mon, then! Pull the trigger, Tommy. I've got nothing to lose now, haven't I?"

The teenager's grip tightened on the gun. "I didn't mean for this to happen," he whispered, seeming on the verge of tears as well. Techno didn't care, though. As he stared at his boyfriend's lifeless corpse, he made up his mind.

"You've got quite a bit of blood on your hands for a sixteen year old. Why not add one more so you can have even more bragging rights, eh? Oh, look at Tommy! He's killed both Dream and Technoblade!"

"Y...You're mental."

"Pull it."


"Pull the trigger, Tommy!"

"I'm not doing it!"

And, suddenly, there was an echoing bang, and Techno fell down next to his fallen lover. The one who shot the gun was Wilbur, who stood behind Tommy. He cleared his throat loudly, before realizing that he'd ended his greatest enemy.


the ending was rushed as hell but like evil wilbur 😳

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