welcome to the b r e a d b a n k (royalty au pt 3)

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This book is getting an overwhelming amount of support incredibly quickly, and I just wanna take a moment to say thank you. I'm not the most active writer, nor am I a very good one. However, I'm still getting a lot of support on what I love doing, and it's motivating me to keep on doing this. Thank you so, so much for putting up with my nonexistent schedule and terrible writing. ily all <333

Prompt: Dream gets in trouble

Warnings: cursing

i asked for help with this one but i got ignored so yolo ig


"Okay. Let me get this straight. You snuck out this morning, stole a horse from the stables, and gave your enemy his dog back, which you accidentaly stole."

"I wouldn't phrase it that way, but yeah."

"Dream! You realise how-"

"Relax, George. I'm completely fine. If I hadn't had done that, I could have gotten killed, so..."

The two boys argued as they walked speedily down the castle hall, their voices lowered in case a passing servant or knight overheard the conversation. And god forbid the king hear about Dream's adventure.

George sighed. "Those people are our enemies, though. Imagine what'll happen if your dad finds out!"

And, just then, the one person they didn't want to see rounded the corner, flanked by four knights that never left him alone. Both boys paused, sure that they were in big trouble, but relaxed when the king smiled at the sight of them. They both formed forced smiles, knowing that conversation was bound to happen.

The king didn't seem to hear their conversation, which was a huge relief, and George didn't seem to want to tell him, either. Just to be sure, though, Dream shot him a look that obviously said 'don't you dare', greeting his father enthusiastically. George nodded at his friend, fixing his posture and facing the kingdom's ruler.

"What brings you to this side of the castle, your majesty?" he asked, seeming tense. The king's smile faltered, glancing between Dream and George as if devising a plan on the spot. After a moment of silence, he said, "I wish to talk to my son, as a source tells me that he has disregarded quite a few of my rules recently."

A surge of panic rushed through Dream, and a chill ran down his spine. His heart thumped inside his chest as the realization that his father knew of that morning's adventure, and he took a rather shaky breath. "I didn't even do anything that bad. I just gave him the dog, I swear-"

"You broke my rules, Dream. Not only did you leave the caslte without my permission and with no royal guard accompanying you, but you also met with your enemy. Our enemy!" He was incredibly pissed. It was evident in his tone of voice and tense posture, every word laced with an anger Dream had never heard from him before.

"I didn't mean to! I was going to assassinate him like you told me to and then-"

"And then what? You made friends with him and now you plan to run off into the sunset with him? I gave you a mission, and you blatently disobeyed my word."

"If you could just let me explain, I'd tell you why!" the younger cried, becoming frustrated with his father. Usually, the king heard what the boy had to say and acted on almost every suggestion he made, but now seemed to be an exception to that. He wasn't used to being cut off quite that much, especially by someone he used to hold the highest respect for.

"Oh, I think I know why. You don't need to explain the obvious."

"Just give me another chance and I'll get it right-"

"So you can go out and have a friendly conversation with him? Not a chance."

Dream paused, every muscle in his body seeming to lock into place at once. "What do you mean?" he asked, picking his words carefully. His father's face cracked into a smile; It was unlike the one that had seemed genuine earlier (but, as Dream now realized, was probably forced). This one was cold and unforgiving. It was probably the most sinister smile that had ever been formed within the castle's walls. "I'm sending someone professional to kill your little friend since you can't seem to do it yourself."

Though he'd never considered himself and Techno friends, he'd considered themself distant acquaintances--that is, if the other had found and read the note he'd tucked under Floof's collar. For this reason, he didn't exactly know why the king's words chilled him to the bone. Maybe it was that hope of mending the relationship between the two kingdoms. Who knew?

"You can't do that!" he argued, forgetting that George and four guards were standing (quite stunned) in the hallway as well in that moment. "Why can't I?" replied the king in a tone that, in all honestly, made Dream want to punch him in the face. "Depart from me. Both of you go to your rooms." Glaring daggers at his son, he ushered the two away with a flick of his hand.

Dream returned the stare before wheeling around. "You fucking sicko," he said, pure hatred seeping from his voice. He marched off towards his room, George following close behind him, not daring to say a single word.


this was so short im sorry :sob:

nah but like ignore spelling mistakes please im trying to get better at that lol

filler chapter pog?

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