PLEASE DON'T LET ME DOWN. (1/2 or 3 probably)

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What up, Oliver Tree simp here to deliver a highschool au (ignore the two ongoing series of oneshots that are currently ongoing whilst I procrastinate writing them lol)

My friend Eliot helped me figure out American schooling systems so shoutout

(i barely helped lol)


Techno scrolled through what seemed like an endless selection of music, trying to find a song he wanted to listen to. His best friend, Skeppy, glanced over at the screen and laughed. "How long is your playlist, dude?" he asked, making the other chortle. "Like...nineteen and a half hours long. Also, eyes on the road, please. I don't wanna die when you still owe me twenty bucks."

The short boy huffed, turning his eyes back to the street before him. "That's insane. How do you even know that many songs?" He was bewildered; his own playlist was only around 4 hours long. Techno, finally deciding on a song, said, "Well, my discover weekly playlist is actually sort of accurate, so I just grab music from there every Monday or Tuesday to add to my stash." He played the song, which immediately started with what seemed to be the chorus.

"I can't help but notice that your playlist is titled 'depresso mode'. Care to elaborate?" asked Skeppy, his gaze averting from the road to his friend's phone once more.

"I can't help but notice that you're not looking at the road. Care to elaborate?" retorted the taller, wearing a grin as Skeppy furrowed his eyebrows in frustation and looked back to where he was supposed to be looking. "You've won the battle, but you have not won the war," he mummered, gripping the steering wheel jokingly.

Five minutes later, they arrived at school, Skeppy parking in the spot he'd payed for. Both teens exited the vehicle, dragging heavy backpacks behind them. They were greeted at the front door by friends of both of them--Bad, A6D, Wilbur, and Phil.

"Took you two muffins long enough," Bad noted, somehow not seeming the slightest bit rude with the statement. Wilbur nodded. "Yeah. The bell rang like five minutes ago. What were you doing? Making out?" At the remark, both boys flushed a bright pink, Techno letting out a drawn out and exasperated "Bruh". The others laughed--except Bad, who told them how rude it was to assume that type of thing.

Despite the friendly banter, they headed inside, in a sort of hurry to get to class. After all, according to Wilbur, all of them were over five minutes late, and the teachers had little to no tolerance when it came to students bursting through their doors in the middle of a lecture. Techno was almost sprinting, ahead of friends (who were close enough to their classes that they could just walk) by a long shot, that thought of getting in trouble when he was inevitably caught running in the halls nagging at the very back of his mind.

He didn't expect, however, to crash straight into someone.

At first, he thought that he'd ran into a teacher, apologizing profusely as he straightened his glasses on his face and scrambled up off the ground. As he looked up, though, he realized that no teacher wore a white mask. Hell, he doubted that any of them even owned a green hoodie. "It's fine. I'm not in a hurry," the guy assured, getting up as well. He was incredibly tall, though only around an inch taller than Techno, since he was also the living, breathing equivalent of a skyscraper. The mask he wore covered his entire face, making the other wonder just how he was able to breathe. His lime green hoodie and dark jeans were pretty plain and basic, yet was somehow the perfect outfit to wear, tied together with black and white converse. His blonde hair had been made disheveled by the fall, however Techno personally believed it looked quite good that way. He'd fit in with the rest of the students pretty well if it weren't for the mask, which made him stick out like a sore thumb, with it's smiley face covered surface. This guy was quite cute, basically.

"Um..." Techno muttered, feeling his face heat up as he internally panicked. He'd never been all that great at social interaction, if he was being completely honest, and he wasn't used to talking to people other than his close friends. Luckily, though, the other seemed a bit more like a social butterfly. The little lucky fuck. Granted with the gift of speaking to strangers.

He thrust a hand out to Techno, who took it. They shook hands, exchanging names. The boy learned that this masked stranger was named Dream, and that he liked the pink-haired boy's bejeweled crown. Flustered, Techno gave his thanks, exchanging numbers with this Dream character before hurrying off to class. Before he rounded the corner, thought he glanced back, seeing the green-clad boy looking back at him.



Dream looked at the piece of paper in his hand, a hastily scrawled phone number written on the torn and crumbled sheet.

He could still see the boy in his mind; Vibrant pink hair that looked incredibly fluffy, hazel eyes and a panicked expression that never vanished during their entire conversation. A crown that looked as if it was made of pure gold sat atop his head, jewels encrusted around the shiny surface. Dream quite liked that crown, actually. He'd even complimented it. The boy wore a white shirt tucked into his pants with a thin, red jacket over it. He had on dark pants and a belt, and he wore boots instead of the school-appropraite shoes that everyone else wore. To be completely honest, he was lucky that we school didn't give a shit about dress code. Despite Dream's usual calm stature, he flushed at the thought of the cute boy, who'd he learned only a couple of minutes before was named Techno.

It took him a few moments to remember where he was going, and then realized how long he'd been standing in an empty hallway, letting out an almost inaudible 'oh shit' before sprinting down the hall. It'd been the same way he met Techno, except the other was the one running and he was just walking down the hallway, scrolling on his phone.

When he got to the schoolyard, he met up with his two best friends, George and Sapnap, who were waiting for him on the bleachers.

"I swear, Dream. You always take forever. How can you be late to skipping class?" George questioned, seeming genuinely curious.

Dream ignored him, instead asking his own quetion. "Do either of you know a Techno?" he asked, Sapnap nodding. "Not personally, no," he said, "but he let me copy his homework once. Also, Tommy used to simp for him."


"Yep. I think it was last year, but he basically praised the ground Techno walked upon for a while."

"Seems about right for him," George responded, before going back to Dream's earlier question. "Wait, why'd you wanna know if we knew Techno?"

Dream hesitated for a moment. He should've expected this question to come up. "Well, I met him in the hall and-"

"Wait, did you get his number?" George asked. When the tallest of the three said nothing, Sapnap gasped. "Oh my god, George. Dream got a guy's number."

The two hollered and cheered at this, while Dream just kinda sat there like 'wtf are these guys doing'. They eventually stopped, laughing and asking dumb questions about their first interaction.

When the bell rang, Dream grabbed his backpack and pulled his phone out of his back pocket to check the time, noticing the screen already having been illuminated without him needing to press the home button.

There on his phone screen was a message from his texting app, displaying the name 'UNKNOWN NUMBER' and, under that, was the text message that started something great.


my apologies if I misspelled anything. I turned off autocorrect and I just skimmed over this to fix the mistakes

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