the universe is ours, but we're so very divided and everything is falling down.

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There was a time of nothingness. There was a time of void, in which nothing existed but an infinite echo of pitch darkness.

Not a single whisper broke the silence. The place was devoid of breath, absent of gravity, and without life. It was simply nothing, the universe only existing without the familiar chatter of human life or the unusual swirly patterns on the planets in vast solar systems.

That was how it was, truthfully. Time did not yet exist, and neither did anything else that functioned. And it kept on like this forever and forever.

Until he came along.

Modern day citizens would call him by the name of whatever gods they worshipped. He, however, was not a god, but simply just a being. Not a human, no, but an everchanging figure that existed in the shadowy abyss that was the early universe. One could say he resembled something gaseous, like a cloud with features that distinctly resembled a sort of mask.

And he called himself Dream.

He breathed life into the emptiness around him. Whatever pitch blackness was there before became full of light as the figure named Dream commanded it. As if an explosion had happened, the universe was suddenly large and full of incredible gases, forming elements and compounds and expanding into the farthest stretches of the universe.

With a simple flick of whatever gaseous hand he might have had, Dream began compacting the gases. He formed stars and gave them life, treating each of them tenderly and naming them as if they were his own children.

For a while, this was all he needed. A never-ending stretch of beautiful gases, lit up with stars that twinkled brightly, each with individual and special names. Dream didn't need the modern technology or a companion by his side to speak to. He was content with the special sparkling lights that he loved dearly and the sort of restless grace given off by the clouds of gases he'd provided the universe with.

But one day, he grew tired of being alone. His metaphorical heart ached with a sort of loneliness that he had never felt before. It was strange, for he couldn't remember ever feeling emotions. But it was there, and it was a constant nagging feeling, slowly chipping away at his sanity until he grew mad with loneliness.

So he drew together the gases, and with a great deal of effort, he created a friend.

Techno, as his new friend called himself, was only a slightly more solid figure than Dream was. His shape was of a hazy sort of crown surrounded by wisps of a gaseous sort of smoke.

He was, simply put, the perfect companion. Techno became the ruler of a new invention called the planets. He'd compress the matter around Dream's stars and form circular objects, each with different sizes, colours and forms. The ruler of planets formed solar systems all around the universe and filled it with life, making each planet unique and colourful.

As time progressed, the universe filled even more. Techno made thousands of millions of solar sustems focused around the trillions of stars that Dream formed. Infinite galaxies stretched across what was once a barren void, shining so brightly that it could hardly be compared to anything else. It was just that overwhelmingly unique.

The duo ruled the universe side-by-side, bonding over their similarities but occasionally arguing over their differences. They were the fabled gods that humans worshipped.

But they grew too gready.

Dream couldn't help but try to create even more. The twinkling, ever-changing masses he'd decorated the universe with simply weren't enough. He caused disastrous star collisions and early Supernovas by packing the universe with an unimaginable amount of stars. It grew to be overcrowded, each star fighting for dominance. No longer could Dream name each of them or love them equally.

Techno grew too invested in his favoured planet. Earth, as his humans called it, was easily the one that he loved the most. He created powerful Greek and Roman beings and planeted them in the midst of the early humans, helping them prosper. He named his planets after his beings, even giving one or two power over things beyond their Earth. But his humans eventually corrupted their Earth to the point of destruction, and he realized how he'd neglected the rest of the universe only when their Sun engulfed their planet. His planets grew dull quickly and their happy light considerably dimmed.

It was much too late to turn back. Dream's stars were exploding everywhere and Techno did not have the time to create new planets. As the stars began to collapse inwards on themselves, they formed a new entity -- one that did not play nicely.

The black holes suddenly came into existence, raging across the universe with incredible speed. They were swirling things that engulfed everything they saw, dragging matter into their depths and swallowing the light whole. They weren't merciful. Everything the light touched was theirs.

More and more came to exist as Dream's stars became too old to support themselves. There was nothing either of them could do, for they had tried everything and none of it had worked. Entire planets were sucked into the dark, swirling masses with major ease. Supernovae lit the skies in a new, sorrowful way. Suddenly, all of the light that Dream and Techno spent their lifetimes creating was vanishing.

One day, as Dream overlooked the destruction commencing all over his universe, he noticed that the planets, one by one, were fading. Sucked into black holes and engulfed by their parent stars, each of them was dying. And with the planets, the life force of their creator was becoming feeble.

Techno was gone, for the planets were gone. Never would the creator of living specimen be seen again, and neither would his spark of life in the universe. Dream tried reforming his only friend and companion, but to no avail. He grew weaker and weaker with the passing seconds, and eventually, he would fade away, just as the planets and their ruler did.

The creator of the universe sorrowfully gazed at the remnants of the solar system that his old friend had favoured. All that remained of it was a small dwarf star, looking like that of a simple moon, for it was smaller than that of Jupiter's Ganymede and gave off little light. Dream pitied the crying lifeform and, with a snap of his fingers, the star was no more.

Aching with grief, Dream gave one last look at his- their universe. The stars were almost gone now, with only a few flickering masses clinging on by a rapidly thinning thread. He could feel himself fading away, and he let go without a fuss, his consciousness drifting away as his form was lost.

Whatever matter that remained was quickly sucked up by the remaining black holes. The twisting masses were all that remained for the longest time, but even they had to fade eventually.

And so, as the last of the black holes faded away, the universe resumed the form of the abyss it once was.

Everything had gone from the world. It was over.

And the universe, despite predictions, did not end with a bang, but with a whimper.

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