Chapter 8

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You sat daized in the chair, confused and scared as they shouted at you who your family was.

"she's useless" one of them said. "Let's just kill her"

"No, she's worth at least 7000 francs" another said. "lets just sell her and get it over with. Much easier than killing her"

You snap out of your trance when there was a nock on the door downstairs and one of the men left.

"Judge Follo" he said from downstairs.

"I am looking for a woman" he said. "I am searching the house for her. If you try and hide anything you will be arrested and tortured"

You heard banging and shouts, and a guard rushed into the room.

"Sir!" he shouted. "We found the female"

And with that Frollo walked in and saw you tied to the chair and the second man cowering on the floor.

"(y/n)" he smiled, and strowed over to the man and threw him across the room into the wall. "Arrest that thing" he said and turned to you, undoing the ropes. Taking you in his arms he kissed you on your head.

"I'm sorry" you moan as you shake into him.

"I'll take you home dear." he whsipsered "You are safe with me"

You nod and Frollo takes you home on snowball. He lays you down on a bed and you shivered. Frollo got under the covers with you and wrapped you up in his arms. You nuzzle into him, tired and still scared. You wanted to be warm and safe and tentivly moved your arms to hug into him further. He smirks greatly and nuzzled into your hair, sniffing its sent and stroking your back.

"I have you angel" he whispered.

Gently you fell asleep and so does Frollo.

Frollo x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα