Chapter 21

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Leaving the hospital I called up my brother to let him know wussup. Aden is my left hand just like I’m D left hand.

“Hello?” I said as soon as I heard him pick up.

“What’s the move Ice?” He asked me getting straight to the point. This is why I love my brother he be on it with any and everything. I called him on the way to the hospital when I was dropping Zeka off so he knew what was up but I told him I’ll let him the know the details after she gets  checked out. Aden had mad respect for Zeka and he loved her like a sister. Them two always had jokes and tried to clown me but it was cool I ain't care too much. For a little minute I thought Aden had a little crush on her even though he was talking to her girl Mo’nae, nobody knew this but if he would have won the coin toss he would be the one trying to talk to Zeka instead of me. We both saw her at the same time and were mesmerized by her beauty. When it came to girls me and my brother basically liked the same type, but he wasn't as picky as I was. Even if he did win the coin toss I would still try to holler at her cause he wouldn't know what to do with a woman like Zeka, shit I barely knew what to do with a girl like Zeka but I ain't going to let her or anybody else know that. My brother was lit when I told him what happened to Zeka, he was ready to fly out that minute and handle business but I told him to take it easy we going to handle it Zeka way.

 “She wants him dead A.” I said shaking my head in anger. I was so mad at myself for even leaving this guy alone with Zeka, I had a weird feeling about him when I let him in but I was going to ask Zeka about that when I came back from handling some business. “I knew I should have stayed with her A! Something told me to stay but I left anyway!” I said yelling into the car phone.

“I feel Ice I feel but it’s the past now all we can do is handle is present situation so it won’t be a future problem, you dig it?”

“I dig bro I dig but still what kind of dumb, sick; bitch ass nigga rapes a pregnant woman? I don’t get it A all these chicks out here willing to give it up for free and he going to rape a pregnant woman, what sense does that make? That’s like we stealing a cat from the pet store when its strays roaming around outside, the fuck?” I said getting frustrated.

“I don’t know bro everybody don’t have it all together in the heads.”

“I see that now” I replied while shaking my head.

“So what we doing now? Am I calling the boys out to play? We bring toys out, wussup?” Aden said ready to load up.

“Not yet A, just bring Big Dee, Dime, Killa, Cane, Roc, and Miss out here I want Zeka and her place protected by the top guards we have. She has to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy so I want to make sure she feels safe even when I’m not with her. I’m going to head to Maya’s dorm to talk to her. Hit me up when y’all touch down.” I instructed.


“Bet” I said hanging up. Pulling into the school and heading to my sister’s dorm I just replayed everything that happened and the more I thought about it the angrier I became. I felt bad for Langston and what he was about to having coming to him but he set his self up for death, not me. Walking into the building I see my sister waiting for me.

“Shawny!” She said screaming coming up to me. She was the only one that could call me that and get away with it only because she was my baby sister. Even though I was a year older than her she was always more school smart than street smart. She graduated from high school at 16 and went straight to college so her being a 20 year old senior seems odd to everyone else but my sister is smart and she is going to be somebody so everyone else opinions don’t matter. I graduated from high school too along with my brother, I also did the two year community college thing so I have an Associates degree in business Finance and Aden has an Associate’s degree in Psychology. Maya is a double major in Criminal Justice and Social work, her dream was always to help get the bad guys off the streets and to help children. Maya doesn't know about Aden and I being in the drug business but I know she has some type of knowledge of it. She never came out and told me she knew but I knew she wasn't dumb and could really figure it out if she wanted to. Seeing the happiness in my little sister eyes made my heart melt there was nothing I wouldn't do for her. When our mom died I made sure she was taken care of school wise and shelter wise. If I couldn't get it Aden had it and vise versa. She didn't really need money for school because she got a full ride so I basically just sent her spending money even when she didn't ask for it. My sister was a beautiful person inside and out. She was 5’6 with honey brown skin she had nice round brown eyes with long lashes; she had a deep dimple in her left cheek that showed when she smiled. She was skinny and didn't have many assets but it didn't matter because her personality attracted people the most, she even has nice wavy hair that she keeps in a ponytail. A lot of people say if she was to get a short cut like Aden and I we would all look alike just different eye colors and skin complexions. She wasn't a girly girl she was more of the laid back tom boyish type but don’t get me wrong she could rock a dress any day and put half these chicks to shame. My sister was amazing and she could do no wrong in my eyes, she always wanted me to treat her like one of the guys but I still was protective of her. Aden was the one that lets her chill and do all that extra shit, them to can smoke and drink together and laugh all day long like they were brothers but not me I treated my sister like the woman she is.

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