The Beginning

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"This is a beautiful day, the birds are chirping, the trees are moving, and look!" Zeka said pointed to a group of girls talking to a group of football players. "The thots is thotting!" Everybody busted out in laughter walking to the cafe.

"Zeka something is truly wrong with you." Serria said pushing Zeka away from her laughing. Today was the first day of school. Zeka and her crew were in their junior year in college. They attended Holmes University in Baltimore Maryland. They all met sophomore year when they pledged Zeta Phi Alpha. They literally been threw thick and thin with each other and...


Wait the hell up I know y'all not talking about me and I’m not even here to defend myself. This is just ratchet, just like black people! Hey if you haven’t figured it out by now I’m Zeka, Zeka Thompson to be exact. Nice to meet y'all too, anyway yes I do attend Holmes University in Baltimore Maryland. I crossed Zeta Phi Alpha my sophomore year, I’m a junior now can’t wait until next year when I become a senior and then I’m out this bitch! Yes my language is foul but I don’t care, AT ALL. I’m from Compton, straight hood but I made sure the grades stayed up. I’m 5"4 with mid back natural brown hair that I kept in twist outs. I have a light brown complexion with slight thick lips and perfect teeth. I have almond shaped eyes that were really light hazel. A lot of people thought they were contacts but they were mine and not for sale. I was a nice little size, small top slight medium waist and a nice bottom with thick thighs, I’m what you call a pear shape no hour glasses over hear I ain’t got time for that! The hood wasn’t for me at all, neither were my parents. I never did like them. They just knew I was gonna be some drug dealer’s baby momma but that was not the case at all. I had one damn pregnancy scare and they think I’m a hoe. It was a mistake I know but I was caught off guard, between the money and jewelry he had my heart and my legs wide open. Derrick was my first love and he made me feel like I was a queen. He was one of the biggest drug lords in Compton and one of the sexiest people as well. He stood at a tall 6"5 nice built frame Carmel complexion; he had light hazel eyes that changed a dark grey when he was mad. He had a six pack and nice thick lips to go along with it. He rocked a nice sandy brown curly top to make him look like he was mixed. Dick was bomb to but that’s for another chapter! I loved me some d-murder... that’s what they called him in the streets but I called him that in the bed room! Nigga puts it down I’m talking about nigga had me speaking languages I never knew were languages. But don’t get me wrong I put it down just as good had the nigga buckling when he got up to go shower one time, don’t play me. Did he cheat on me? Hell if I knew! He came home to me, and spent money and took me places so if he was cheating I didn’t know when because he was always under me. We were together my whole high school years. We didn’t go to high school together he graduated from college when I graduated from high school. We both graduated with 4.0s he pushed me just like I pushed him to do the best he could. We were a bomb ass smart couple. That was my boo. I’m saying was because we broke up the second week my freshman year. He didn’t want me to leave but I told him I couldn’t take it in Compton anymore, I begged him to come with me but he told me no. it didn’t hit him that I left until I was actually here. He flew to my school just to let me know face to face he couldn’t be with me anymore. Did I cry? HELL NO I cry for no one! Y’all know I’m lying my soul broke and he knew it too. We were both hurt; I remember just laying on him crying while he held me tight he even shed a few tears. I told him we could make it work he told me we couldn’t and that was the last time I saw him. 
"Hey boo what you doing here!" I said surprised to see him at my school. I haven't talked to him in a week so seeing him made me excited.

"We need to talk." I could hear in the tone of his voice that it was something serious. I took him up to my room so we could have some privacy. As a freshman I had a single suite room with my own bathroom, my own little kitchen area and even a little living room with my room in the back. I basically had a little apartment and since I’m here off full ride because of my perfect GPA it's free for me. Sitting on my bed I sat next to him, it was silent for a good 5 minutes until he broke the silence. "I can't do this anymore Zeka" He said in a soft tone. Feeling lost for words I was able to ask him "What?" My hands were shaking; I started sweating I couldn't believe what he just said right now.

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