Chapter 6

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"Okay ladies that is all I have for today. And I can't wait to get these events started." I said dismissing all the girls. As the girls stood up to leave I noticed Zeka just sitting there waiting for everyone else to leave. I could see it in her eyes that she had her guard up and her hood face on, so I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst. As the last person left and the door closed she began talking.

"What the fuck is the point of all this?" She said looking at me. I could tell she was still hurt and wanted answers, so I guess after about 3 years I could finally give them to her.

"Zee I’m tryna make some legal moves and get out the game."  I said sitting down across from her, because I knew it was gonna be a long talk.

"So you invest in a sorority I’m in to do it? How fucking slow do you think I am D?" She yelled at me.

"Listen, I know you think I did this to get closer to you, and I did, you’re right but that's only what she wanted."

"Who the hell is she, shameka!?"

"No, my mom." I said lowly and put my head down. My mom loved her some Zeka, she told me she was the best thing for me. She respected Zeka and admired how she carried herself despite any situation she was in. My mom was the one that told me to break up with Zeka. She said if I wasn’t going to love her right from a distance don’t keep her heart. I mean yes I did cheat on Zeka once and a while but I always came home to Zeka. My mom knew of my infidelities and hated me for disrespecting her. I tried to stop but I just couldn't.

"Say something Derrick what's wrong with momma!" She got up and yelled.

"She’s in the hospital; she's been fighting breast cancer."

"What? When?  How long? Why did she never tell me? All the times we talked on the phone she never mentioned it." She said beginning to cry.  I hated to see Zeka cry it hurt me.

"She’s been fighting it on and off since before you left. She didn't want to tell you because she didn't want you to worry about her. She knew if you found out you would try to spend more of your time here and she didn't want that for you, she wanted you to grow." I knew Zeka thought of my mom highly since she doesn’t talk to hers, Zeka practically lived with my mom that’s how I met her.

"Hey mama" I said walking in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"What you want boy?" She said frying chicken.

"Nothing, I can’t come see my favorite mama."

"Nigga I’m ya only mama. Don't come in here with that favorite shit like you got other option. That’s how you get fucked up with a frying pan." My mom said moving around the kitchen cooking. It was Sunday, she always cook on Sunday and I always came to eat.

"What’s for dinner?"


"Dang mama!" I said in my Parker voice

"You got a girlfriend yet?"

"Nah I’m not checking for these chicks out there, I’m all about my money and my momma." My mama killed me when she started talking about me dating she could chill with that. The only woman ill ever love is her. The rest of these hoes are just for one thing, a fuck.

"You need to find someone that is going to take care of you, I won't be here forever and---" She stopped talking as we heard the door open and closed.

"Heyyyy mama!" Zeka shrieked coming into the kitchen to give my mama a hug.  Now I knew I ain’t have no other siblings, I’m the one and only. Everyone in the neighborhood called her mama because she showed everyone love. Sitting back I watched how this girl and my mom talked. She was at least 5"4; she had mid back black kinky hair with light hazel eyes and perfect smile. The body was beautiful; I wanted to know who she was.

"Go put your things in ya room and come eat" My mama demanded.

"Yes mama" She said laughing and walking right pass me like she didn’t see me. Now I’m not cocky but I know she had to notice all this sexiness in this chair. My eyes alone had the bitches stopping.

"Mama who that?" I said in a low tone

"Nigga why the hell is you whispering?" My mama said laughing fixing the table.

"Stop playing who is she?"

"Ask her yourself, here she come"

"Hey mama need any help?" She asked with some black tights, red V cut short sleeve shirt, and black socks on.

"No baby just grab a seat, I got this" My mama said bringing the cups over to the table.  She was so independent. Grabbing a seat across from me she sat down then looked up dead at me and smiled.

"Hey" I said trying to start conversation.


"I haven't seen you before, what's your name?”

"Zeka and I am guessing you’re Derrick?" She said with a smirk.

"Yes how you know?” I questioned

"You slept with one of my home girls, Monae" She said staring dead at me.

"Okay let us say grace, Zeka can you pray for me baby?" We all held hands and I felt a shock from holding Zeka's hand. She was on my mind all prayer.

"Amen" She said letting my hand go to eat.

"You’re beautiful" I said randomly.

"Thank you, not so bad yourself” She said with a smile and continued eating.  My mom just shook her head and sat back and watched.

"What school you go to?" I asked

"Compton intermediate but I’m going to Compton high this year"

"Really you looked older, how old are you?"

"13 in 8th grade." Her body told me otherwise.  I was 16 and a junior at Compton high so age wasn’t that bad.

"O ok maybe I can show you around the high so you don't get lost."

"Is that the best line you got? Lemme tell you wussup off the back. I’m not a dumb broad, education comes first with me. I’m not trying to be your side chick or trophy chick. I don't play games and I don’t have time. So if you want to talk to me come direct. Yes I’m young but I had to grow up fast. So say what you gotta say and stop beating around the Bush." Zeka said folding her arms. I heard my mom laughing but I paid her no mind.

"Okay so we doing it like that, bet. Tomorrow night I'll be here to pick you up for dinner at 7:30 be ready." I said sitting back in my chair.

"That's more like it." She said standing up to excuse herself to the bathroom.

"Mama where you find her?" I asked looking at my mom laughing.

"Lemme tell you something boy, that girl is going to show you some new shit about life. I seen it in your eyes when she came in she had you speechless. She's not the one to fuck around on, that girl has goals don't fuck it up for Derrick. Your welcome." My mama said just before Zeka came back in. Ever since that dinner Zeka was always on my mind.

Flashback over
"Take me to see her." She said calmly standing up and heading toward the door. "Get the fuck up and let's go!" She yelled while walking out.

This girl will always be the same I said to myself standing up.

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