~•Chapter 6•~

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Hinata POV
It was now the last day of the training camp we practiced a little and now was time for us to go back to our school,I hopped on the bus and went to my seat next to the window,I looked out the window to wave for my friends and say 'good bye' and then the buss started to move. It was a quiet ride everyone was either asleep or playing on there phones,for me I was playing on my phone with some games that kenma sent to me.
Time Skip
3rd POV
The buss stopped in front of Karasuno school the team was now awake and we're heading out the buss,"okay now tomorrow there won't be any practice,so you could rest a little"Ukai said as he stood in front of the team,"and...don't forget to study 'cause your exams are next week"Takeda said while giving them one of his sweet smiles,"H-Hai"everyone said and then they headed back to there houses.
Hinata,Yamaguchi, Kageyama,and tsukishima we're walking together,they usually do that 'cause there houses are on the same way,"ne ne tsukki"Hinata said,pulling the hem of tsukishima's shirt,"What is it shrimp"tsukishima said in annoyed tone,"hey that's mean,by the way..please help me study"Hinata said now standing in front of tsukishima while bowing,"No"tsukishima replayed and continued to walk with the others,"W-Wait but tsukkiii~"Hinata whined while running to catch with the others,"don't call me tsukki"tsukishima said glaring at the small girl,"hmph.. kageyama how are you studying?"Hinata popped out in front of kageyama now,"hah?,I'll study alone."kageyama said,"waaah,don't you wanna study with meeee?"Hinata whined,"no I can't tho sorry"kageyama said,"ugh your all mean..what about you Yamaguchi-Kun?"Hinata said putting her faith on her green headed friend,"sorry hinata-Kun but I'm studying with tsukki"yamaguchi said while rubbing the back of his neck,"oh..it's fine"Hinata said as she put her head down and kept on walking with her friends.
"Byeee"Hinata said while waving her hand to her friends,they always separate ways her, each one's house was in a different way. The others waved back and so they went to there houses.
Hinata POV
"I'M HOME"I yelled as I closed the door of my house after me,"NII-CHAN"Natsu came rushing to me getting ready to jump,"WAAH hello Nat-Chan I missed you"I said as I held her and started to hug her,"welcome hunny how was your camp"my mom said as she walked to us and gave me a kiss on the forehead,"it was so cool but can I tell you about it later I'm kinda tired.."I said while yawning,"of course go get your rest I'll wake you when dinner is ready,"hai"I said as I placed my little sister down and started heading to my room. I went to my room and closed the door behind me I went to my clothes and started to change into my pajamas,"should I shower first.."I said before wearing my clothes,"hmm nyeah I probably should"I said to my self and then took a towel and headed to the bathroom that was connected with my room.
After I finished showering I wear my pajamas and headed to my bed,"oof I'm so tiredddd"I whined as I pulled my self inside my blanket....'ZzZzz' I fell a sleep a minute after...
Some time later I woke up on the sound of my mom calling for me to go and eat,"mmfh I'm still tired thoo~"I said sleepily while walking down the stairs,"oh by the way sho, Tomorrow-"my mom was about to finish when my little sister interrupted her,"oto-San is coming"Natsu yelled as she jumped ,"what?? For real??!"I couldn't believe it my dad is coming back I haven't seen him in like four months he's been out Miyagi for work,"yes as Natsu said your dad's coming back tomorrow"my mom said smiling.my eyes widened from happiness"Finally"I said as I placed my self on a chair next to the table,"let's now eat"my mom said while placing our food on the table.
Time skip
Hinata POV
I'm now back in my room laying on my bed,I started to think of my father and what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I closed my eyes a little and then fell asleep without realizing.
The next day I woke up on the sound of my alarm'beeping' next to my ear,"ughh"I groaned as I tried to stop the alarm next to me. I closed my eyes for like five minutes and then I shot them open when my phone started going off,"who the hell is texting in the morning"I said to myself annoyed from all the notfics I'm getting. I took my phone from my night stand and opened my notfics 'in this story Hinata have a modern phone not like the one he had in the anime'
The notfics
•2 messages from *KenMaa🎮(•ө•)♡*
•20 messages from *Karasuno GC🏐*
•4 Messages from *Great king。◕‿◕。*
•40 Messages from *🏐VoLleyBalL dorks🏐*...
Hinata POV
"Waah so many"I said while scrolling down my notfics,"hmm I'll see what kenma wants"I said to my self while opening my conv with Kenma.

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