~•Chapter 3•~

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'hey guys I wanted to say that I won't put jozenji in the camp sorry but I actually don't know anything about there team other than terushima sorry..'

Hinata POV:
After chatting with the managers a little I got bored and went outside the building to take a walk."waah this is amazing"I said while looking at a small garden filled with flowers.I went there and leaned down then started picking some flowers."hmm now that I have flowers..what should I do with them..?"I asked myself looking at the flowers I picked.."oh I know I can make a flower crown"I said happily to my self..after a while I finished my flower crown and then put it on my head,I held my phone out to see how it looked,"waah it looks so cute"I said fan girling myself....'SILENCE' "OH MY GOD I'M ACTING LIKE A GIRL NOW"I yelled while putting my hand on my mouth..."pfft"I heard someone laughing I looked around only to see oikawa-san and iwaizumi-san laughing at me.."WAAAH WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HEREE"I said hiding my flushed face from embarrassment,they only laughed harder now."aweh chibi-chan is embarrassed"oikawa-san said while moving closer with iwaizumi-san.
"By the way..Why are you guys here..?"I asked looking at the tow in front of me."we we're just walking around when we saw you.."iwaizumi-san said while smiling at me a little."hmm what's so wrong with acting like a girl chibi-chan your a girl now tho."oikawa-san said."I don't know it's just kinda wired..?"I said in a questioning tone.."it's not your a girl now."iwaizumi-san finished."oh..hehe"I laughed nervously not knowing what to say..'waaah this is so awkward..' I thought to my self looking at the ground."Chibi-chan wanna hang out with me and iwa-chan?"oikawa-san asked looking at me."wash for real.?"I asked stars glowing in my eyes."yup if you want to"iwaizumi-san said."of course I want to"I said smiling widely.they chuckled and then we all walked together.

3rd POV:
The three walked around the school talking about different things like volleyball and some stupid stuff. The sun was setting so the three head to the dinner room to eat with there other teammates."thanks for today guys I really had fun hanging out with you tow."hinata said giving the tow guys a warm small,they both blushed at the little girl in front of them."of course Chibi-chan,we should do it again to"oikawa said."yeah.thanks to you for hanging with us"iwaizumi said with a small smile and a tint of blush on his face.hinata smiled at the to"of course we should do it again and soon"hinata said happily.the tow boys nodded and continued there walk to the dinner room.

Time skip to after dinner:
3rd POV:
(Oh by the way can you guys give me names for the managers'cause I don't wanna keep saying "___manager" that's all.. thanks^v^)

"Shoyooooo"Noya yelled while running towards his kohai."Noya-Senpai"hinata said happily."where we're you today we didn't see you"Noya said while stopping in front of the little tangerine."oh I was hanging out with oikawa-san and iwaizumi-san.."hinata said with a small smile."...."."uh.. Senpai..?"hinata questioned looking at her Senpai."did they do anything to you"Noya said with straight face."what no..what would they do..?"hinata said confused about what her Senpai said."hmm nothing forget I said that by the way shoyo how is life being a girl."Noya said trying to change the subject."oh it's okay I guess there's a lot of complicated things but kyoko-san and yachi-san are always there for me."hinata said happily while walking with her Senpai.

Time skip to next morning:
Hinata POV:
I woke up early today '4:00Am' so I went to the bathroom and changed to my gym clothes and then decided to go jogging.i started jigging around the school..'no one is awake..as I thought..' I jogged a little and then went to jog around the school.when I got outside the building I saw someone sitting on the ground I jogged to them only to see Akashi-san looking at the sky."Ohayo Akashi-san"I said while smiling at him."Ohayo hinata-kun"akashi-san said while smiling back at me."what are you doing here hinata-kun..?"Akashi-san said while looking at me. I sat down next to him"oh I woke up early so I went to jog then I saw you what about you Akashi-san.?"I said now looking at him."same here but I came here to watch the sunrise"I smiled and then looked at the sky and the half raised sun."Hey Hey Hey"after a while we heard a familiar voice so we turned around."Bokuto-san"I said while smiling at him."my NO#1 PUPIL"Bokuto-san said while running towards us."hello Bokuto-san"Akashi-san said while looking at his captain."hey hey hey Akashi"Bokuto-san said looking at us.

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