4 ★Personal Problems

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Reminder: Eonni (니) is what females call someone older than them who is the same gender.


When class ended, Young-mi and Minji decided to drop by the pizza restaurant nearby.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at their certain destination. They picked a table near a window and sat down. Minutes later, their order finally arrived.

Minji was observing the person in front of her. Young-mi was dead-silent and kept staring at the table catatonically. She began to worry and called her name out. Not even moving an inch, she called her once more hoping she'd snap out.

"What are you thinking? Are you okay? She asked worriedly.

Regaining her senses, Young-mi nodded and answered. "I'm fine, I was just thinking about something... random."

Minji arched a brow and asked dubiously. "Are you thinking about what happened earlier?"

Young-mi's expression changed and her tone sounded wobbly. "Do you know how it feels to be pretending? When you pretend to be someone else, you feel satisfied. Yet, you also feel awful somehow.

Minji felt sorry for her. She was having a hard time, especially with her current situation.

She watched Young-mi looking anxious. In a couple of seconds, she tried comforting her. "Through that, what if that person becomes a better and stronger version of herself?"

Thanks to Minji's simple comfort, her tensed shoulders slaken and felt a little relaxed. Her eyes were roaming around the area when she sat eyes on someone familiar sitting, whilst facing back.


When her head turned to see who called her, Young-mi gestured to sit with them. Minji on the other hand felt confused. She looked at the direction where Young-mi was facing. There, she saw a 15 year-old girl, wearing a school uniform, walking towards their table.

"Yeona, what are you doing here?" Young-mi asked with a hint of curiosity in her tone.

She slightly bowed and responded. "I was waiting for my classmates. We planned on making our school project here."

Young-mi nodded and turned to look at a puzzled Minji. She forgot to introduce Yeona properly. She cleared her throat and spoke. "She's Ji Yeona, the girl I told you about. She's the one I was tutoring before."

After recollecting her memories, she spoke gladly. "Ohh hi, I'm Wang Minji."

Afterwards, Yeona sat down with them. Most of the time, she kept stealing glances at Young-mi as if she was mesmerized. In a moment, Yeona asked her something that made her shrunk.

"Young-mi eonni." She called out.

After hearing Young-mi reply with a simple yes, she continued speaking reluctantly. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

After hearing her startling question, Young-mi almost choked! Minji cracked up and decided to play along. "Yes Young-mi, do you have a boyfriend?"

After hearing their startling questions, she vigorously hit the table and released a grim.

Minji rested a cheek on her palm and said mockingly. "I should set you up on a date-"

Young-mi shot her a death glare, unable to finish what she was saying. After a few seconds, she turned her eyes at Yeona's.

"You can't be asking questions like that, you're still young."

Yeona nodded lightly while releasing a bright grin. Just then, she took a quick glance at the window when she saw her classmates walking towards the restaurant.

"Eonni's, my classmates are hear. I'll go now."

After the both of them watched her walk away, Minji asked with excitement. "So, are you excited for tomorrow?"

Young-mi answered directly. "Why do I have to be exited?"

Minji spoke with sarcasm while grabbing a slice of pizza. "Why not? You might find your true-love at the party.

But when she turned to look at Young-mi, She was already standing in a distance and looked like she was taking a phone call. Being completely ignored, she shot her a deadpan look and talked to herself softly while facing a wall.

"I guess it's just me and you. Even my friends ignore me. But you... I don't even know you. I deserve someone better."

After they finished eating, they decided to head home.

The silvery moonlight spilled from the hands of the night sky. Young-mi turned the lights off and layed down. The moment her fatigue was finally catching up to her, memories from the past flashed before her eyes. She shook her head and buried herself in the warm covers, trying to get them away.

The following day, she stood up and stretched for a bit. After taking a shower, she went to her vanity and dried her hair with a blower. She dabbed makeup on her face and used a light colored lipstick. She changed into a pink jacket and denim, which was considered as their uniform for today's event.

After tying her hair into a ponytail, she gazed at her reflection on the mirror once more when she noticed something sparkling. It was the necklace her mother gave her. She stared at it for a couple of seconds, recalling everything her mother spoke about it. Decided, she grabbed the piece of jewelry and wore it around her neck. The shimmery crystal complimented her twinkling eyes. She was finally complete.

Taking a breather, satisfied already by the way she looked, she took her bag then went out. Little did Young-mi know, her life was gonna change...



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