2 ★Return

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Hours later, the car entered a gateway. A fountain was at the middle and beautiful landscapings were surrounding it. Making the house look fancy and modern.

Her eyes kept still at the crystal necklace hanging around her neck. But realized she has arrived when the car stopped. When Young-mi took a glance on the window, she saw servants standing in line by the door.

When she approached them, they bowed down in sign of respect. Seriously, It was quite for a moment. But all of the sudden, they all started laughing their guts out.

"You really are an actress miss." A woman spoke.

"You guys are actually getting good. But seriously, I'm not a fan of those things. After giving a delighted chuckle, she continued. Let's just do it... casually."

Seeing them nod as by agreeing, she asked with her eyes wandering around. "Where's aunty Kwan?

Just then, a woman in her 60's opened the door as if she was giving a grand entrance. She was wearing a yellow top and brown pants."Hearing your laughters, did I miss something interesting?"

Young-mi said teasingly. "Aunty Kwan, I was gone for just 3 months, but you look years older."

Mrs. Kwan touched her hair and said."I dyed my hair black you know, I totally disagree with you!

"I was joking... come on, let's go inside." Young-mi spoke while grabbing the bag she layed down on the floor.

It was afternoon, She was in her room sitting down on the bed. It was her first day but she's already getting bored. Minutes later, she received a call from Wang Minji, her best friend since kindergarten. Unlikely, the two created a bond that was unbreakable.

                                   * * *

"Hey, what are you up to?

"Nothing, just sitting down here. It's getting really boring honestly."

"How about we visit the campus, I heard their decorating there or something."

"Sure, on my way."
                                   * * *

When she arrived at the university, Young-mi was leaning against a wall. She didn't recognize Minji standing behind her. She touched her shoulders rapidly giving Young-mi quite a scare. After seeing her jump like a stray-cat, Minji couldn't help but laugh seeing her in this type of situation.

When they were inside the campus, they ran across some students and staffs hanging banners and cleaning the school. They sat down the stairs while drinking milk-tea. After a few minutes they realized some students were watching them from the school buildings.

After giving out a tiny smirk, she returned her eyes on Young-mi's. "You know, you're reputation changed eversince you won against Gu Hyejin."

Young-mi rolled her eyes and gazed at Minji with an irritated look. "I-don't-care."

"She's always starting a competition, she must feel embarrassed after loosing. She finally got to know her place."

Young-mi's eyes looked intense and her tone sounded more serious than ever. "Whatever she did in the past or what she's planning to do, I won't let her be."

Taking a little sip of milk-tea, Minji spoke in her voice dripping with sarcasm. "That attention seeker better know who she's up against hmm..."

After a few hours of chattering, they decided to head home. The sun was vanishing and the sky was colored pink. While walking, they didn't realize somebody was following them from behind. They were still in the campus that time. The footsteps started getting clearer as time goes by. Having a quiet atmosphere, their bodies stiffened when they heard the sound of footsteps coming from the back.

Taking quick glances over their shoulders, they somehow felt relieved when they saw their class president behind. He was wearing an Indigo shirt and denim pants. Big eyeglasses were covering his eyes making him look like a nerd.

Relieved, Minji took a deep breath and said. "Deok-su, why were you so quiet? It made us think some stalker followed us."

Deok-su scratched his neck while speaking nervously. "I-I came from the l-library, I was returning books I borrowed."

After hearing his response, Young-mi spoke and waved at him. "Ohh, okay. See you tomorrow then."

After getting into the parking area, they talked about Deok-su's weird behavior earlier.

"What do you think?" Minji asked.

Young-mi answered while taking out the car keys. "I don't know."

Rolling her eye balls out, Minji felt annoyed by the fact that whenever she asks her something, she always says I don't know. "I often catch him sneaking glances at you, being in the same place as you. What's that? A coincidence?"

Being tired already by the topic, she stepped in  and opened a window. She pouted her lips as if she was blowing a kiss. "Thanks for taking my boredom away, see you... "

Making Minji speechless, she stepped inside her car while muttering curses down her breath.

A/N: I hope you're enjoying the story so far😊. I just recently wrote a story, but it's having some problems. I'll be updating this in the meantime. If you enjoyed the two chapters, kindly read the other chapters as well. Thank you and keep safe everyone! ♥️


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