Nao Yamada P.II

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**Part II is still the backstory of the protagonist.

Why me?

What the hell did I do to deserve this?

Does God even exist?


That is not it. We as humans are at fault here.

At the age of eleven, my mind had developed these thoughts - revolting every night for a year. I tried not to overthink these things as it can take time for an answer to randomly pop up.

At the age of thirteen, I came to a conclusion: The world is beautiful, except for the human race. The youth society just seems to worsen each year and we are blind to see it. Perhaps, that was a simple conclusion, but it is also very true.

Six months later, I was back on my feet again.

I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore. Whether I am fine one day or get into a serious car collision the next, it didn't matter to me anymore. My life was a waste. I see no future. I see no hope in restoring my life back together and I see no point in living anymore.

There were times where in my thoughts I viewed someone trying to rescue me and take me somewhere far, far from people.

I wanted to live a life where hatred does not exist and the community can be considered as family. A life where the youth isn't superior than one another, and the pursuit of Happiness. But that's just ideology - in reality, well that's a different perspective.

By the time I was a freshman, the "wild youth" had begun. The drama, the lies, the backstabbers, the recklessness, and the trends all shaped up to as the wild youth.

I always walked past the crowd in the hallways listening to my music of punk rock bands. Though they do not see me, I see them; laughing, smiling, hugging, flirting, and even making out at their lockers. Simple minded boys are always trying to act cool to impress a girl in order to end up as a hookup, while the girl accepts their requests in the end. People have no self respect, but that doesn't frustrate me.

That is how youth is being viewed as.

To be honest, I don't know what my purpose in life is. I don't know why I even exist, but either way, I have to keep walking in order to keep myself alive.

Next Chapter: My High School Days Begins

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