The truth

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Kane paused his gaze for a few seconds on each of the clones his brother had created with the intention of forbidding their escape. This time she could not escape on her own, she was injured due to her recent fight with the current Hokage. The last blow still hurt.

He took a deep breath before stopping his gaze on his foolish brother.

She had no time to listen to him, she had to get to his lair as soon as possible, she had to inform him that this phase of his plan had finally been completed.

Naruto watched as his sister held her abdomen with one of her hands, that fight against Senju had not yielded positive results for her. Her sister had lost a fight and she believed it impossible because she had shown great ability and cunning from childhood to defeat her enemies even if they had a great advantage over her.

Kane always protected Naruto no matter who he faced.

Even with the smile with which Naruto had appeared in front of his sister, he began to approach with slow steps, the last thing he wanted was for her to escape, he did not want to feel useless again for not being able to bring his sister back to the house. village. He hated feeling like this, all he wanted was his friend and sister back with him. Was it too much to ask?

When she took her first steps without giving him time to react, Kane was surrounded by a thin but distinguished layer of chakra that her beast possessed. Ena was always ready to give her chakra when her bearer had to face a jinchuriki. Because as ironic as it sounded Ena hated them. Naruto didn't go on alert so Kane attacked her brother without thinking twice. Both began to fight using taijutsu, the Naruto clones were in charge of not leaving a space between them so that Kane would not have any opportunity to escape, while the original Naruto was in charge of leaving his sister without energy, so he would have more chances of talking to her and making her change her mind.

Kane raised his chakra-laden fist in the direction of his brother's face with the intention of knocking him unconscious, so the clones would disappear, his brother would stop being an obstacle in the way and would return without further delay to his lair. Naruto imitated her and raised his fist in the same way causing them to collide and he shot several meters back at Kane having charged chakra in him.

When Naruto got up with some injuries on his face he looked at his sister with a frown, he did not understand why he had changed so much, he did not understand why he had moved away from him when both had promised to always be together to take care of each other. He never thought that his beloved sister would become a renegade and ally herself with the organization that wanted him dead. He had allowed that; it was his fault.

He looked at his sister with a frown, he had expected completely different results from what he was having.

"Sister, enough already!" he yelled, approaching little by little "I just want to talk to you like we did before! I want you to come back to my side! Let's forget everything, okay? Grandma Tsunade will forgive you, she is very good, she will understand everything and let you come back to my side... please."

She stood up straight and looked at him with a frown as well. "You don't understand it and you never will. Things happen and people change Naruto, you learn to see reality."

"But, I don't understand dattebayo. And I will never understand it because you never want to talk to me. You even sent your ANBUS to watch me!" he points at her "That is the reason why I have come, I will not give up until I have you back in the dattebayo village. I'll follow you everywhere, Grandma Tsunade will send various ninja teams to track you down and I'll be there until you see reason."

"Good. If you want to know, you will. But I am not going back to the village that dared to hurt my family and me."

Naruto looked at Kane with great confusion and surprise. He had planned at some future time after bringing his sister back to the village, to know why she had decided to leave everything she had including him. It never crossed his mind that she would cooperate; much less that she considered him family.

Kane let out a long breath. She had never talked to her brother about anything that happened to her and having belonged to the ANBU did not help at all, she was not ready to let everything out however she would do so so she could get him out of her way without physically exerting herself.

"It was always the same, since I can remember the whole village despised us, we only had us and that was enough for me, I did not need anyone other than you because thanks to you I could live with insults and assaults. They hated us to death. You remember, right?" Naruto frowned thinking about the mistake his sister had made, the people of the village insulted them and pushed them away as if they were dangerous and phenomena as well as orphans, but they had never come to hate them to death "Although for you it was not the same" she answered when she saw Naruto's frowning face. You only lived the insults of a whole village; when I lived the insults and blows of an entire village.

"That can't be true! We were always together and the people of the village never got that far. How could they do something?"

"When you turned around. I was in charge of keeping them all away and receiving everything myself to protect you. The people of the village simply could not accept that we were more powerful than them and decided to take advantage of us by not knowing the truth and not knowing how to control the beasts that we have within us."

Naruto exclaimed surprised. His sister was always the same as him?

"But... what things could they do?"

"Due to the constant assaults and not being able to defend myself from everyone, let's say they always resulted in the hospital" she sighed or tired "It always ended there, but the truth is not that it will matter much to me as long as you do not suffer the same fate. And from one moment to another the aggressions diminished, then Elai arrived.

Naruto looked at his sister carefully, waiting for her to continue as she had been thinking for a few seconds.

:―"Thanks to her I understood many things, I understood that there was no one whom I could call a friend. My story with her was relatively short, as a child I constantly thought about what I had done to dislike people so much and when I thought there would never be anyone by my side but you, Elai appeared. That girl was nice to me, she got upset with other people when they attacked me, she protected me despite not needing it most of the time and I protected her when she needed me. The whole time I wasn't with you, we were together. She became my best friend. A short time later when I thought about introducing her I found out that she only used me. She just wanted to have me as a weapon to use against others to her full benefit. I felt used and betrayed."

His brother frowned, he had not expected that and he thought that despite the fact that that girl no longer belonged to his sister's life, he hoped that she would always tell him everything just as he had done.

:―"Sometime after I met Elai, the aggressions returned with intensity, after that I was still trying to get involved with all those who wanted to hurt you so that you would not end up in the hospital as so many times happened to me" she let out a heavy sigh again when she remembered everything, she had been saving it all those years and releasing it suddenly had not done her well. Her gaze began to wander when she remembered what had finished marking her life, the memories that she tried so hard to push away were present again. It took him a few minutes to recover and when he did, he continued "What a tragic life" she dramatizes "That little betrayal was a joke compared to the one Shisui-san and Itachi-san did to me" watched Naruto frown for the fifth time after hearing the last name "They were both part of my family, they were an important part of my life and they always will be. When I met them they both were kind to me, no one had ever done it and it took me a lot to accept it, I didn't think someone would speak to me as warmly as they did. And when Shisui-san..." smiled wistfully "He left us and it sparked one of the worst mistakes Hiruzen ever made. I end the lives of many, I end the happy little family that I had managed to form with them ... I did not trust anyone again; not even in me."

The memories still haunted her.

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