Im so scared

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He is walking towards me. I am so Relieved to see his face. Its Liam, running so fast towards me. He crossed the street, and i screamed LIAM! With so much joy. He smiled so hard, and hugged me. He said: "oh jane im so glad you are ok. Im sorry this happened to you. I should've runned faster.

Dont be sorry Liam, this isnt your fault, i said. I love you, thank you for running that much, and for looking for me. I dont deserve this really.

Liam looked at me, with his deep brown eyes, and said: "jane, you are worth every step i runned, every second i looked for you. And i dont regret anything that i have done with you, because i love you more than anything, and what i wanted to say is that you are the one i love, you are the only one i see, you are the one i need, you make me laugh in the wierdest moments, you look beautiful 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, when yo smile is like the whole world just stops, and i love you, thats why i want you to be my girlfriend. Would you be my girlfriend jane?

My heart beated fastly, my face started blushing and my smile started getting wider and wider. I looked into his eyes and answered: i love you Liam, of course i would LOVE to be your girl. He hugged me, and kissed me. I was so happy right now. Liam grabbed my hand and said "lets go to the house, the boys are dying right now because they are really worried." we started talking while we walked to the house. Liam looked at me and said: "did he hurt you? Did he hit you or something? Are you alright?" i smiled and said: "dont worry Liam, im good. He tied my hands very hardly with a rope, and threw me off the damn car, but really im fine, because im with you." liam put my hand close to his eyes, and saw my wrists were swollen, so he kissed my wrists and said: "this is the only thing i can do right now, but i will cure your hands when we get home ok? And did you hurt yourself when he threw you off the car? Oh jane im so sorry this happened to you. Why you? It shouldve happened to me! Are you ok?" i held his hand, and said: "thank liam, your kiss makes me feel better. That stupid old man, i hate him. He just threw me out, when i talked. I dont know what did he want, but he kept my phone in there, and also my sweater. Im afraid that he will come back. What was he looking for?" liam kissed me in the cheek and said: theres nothing to worry about jane, im here with you ok? I hugged him, and said, thankyou babe. We were walking towards the door and everyone ran to hug me. Zayn kissed me and then he said, oh im sorry bout that jane im so glad you are ok! Then Niall gave me a small bag of skittles. I think its more like our tradition now. Louis just looked at me and said: thanks God you are home. Hanna hugged me, then she said: jane im so glad you are ok! I dont know what should i do without my best friend! Liam grabbed me by the hand and said: if you want to go to your hotel to be alone with hanna you can, but promise we will meet tomorrow. I said ok liam thanks, yeah call me tomorrow morning ok? He hugged my and whispered in my ear, im glad you are alright babe. I laughed and hugged him and said thanks liam, i love you. Hanna and i started walking on our way to the hotel, wich is quite near 1D's house. I saw hanna waving at Harry, and harry throwing her a kiss. I laughed and when they couldnt see us i told hanna: "you and Harry have something right? Hahaha like if you kinda like each other!" hanna blushed, and said: yeah, you know im madly in love with him since 2010, and i think he kinda likes me too. This is just crazy. Liam Payne is your boyfriend! Can you imagine that? I sighed and said, i know hanna, and its great to be living the best experience of my life with my best friend. We got to the hotel and Liam texted me saying: "already missing you babe. Are you excited? Tomorrow is your birthday!" i actually forgot that my birthday was tomorrow! I answered: thanks liam for remembeeing it! I didnt even remembered! Thank you for being THE BEST boyfriend a girl could ask! ;) liam answered: "you are the best babe! I will let you sleep, you had a rough day today, but you are ok thats what matters. Good night jane, i love you." when i read this, and i thought of all the things Liam have done to me, i just felt to a bit of tears. I just couldnt believe it. My crush, a guy that could notice 10000 other girls, noticed me! I answered to liam: "you cant imagine how happy i am, cause im your girlfriend, cause you protect me, because of everything. Thanks Liam, see you tomorrow ok? He answered: awe you are too cute, yeah come to my house tomorrow? I have a really HUGE thing to show you....

What is it! I thought about it so much. He has a surprise for meeeee!

Hanna and i watched some TV, and she felt asleep, ao i tried to sleep, but i couldnt. I just thought about that old and disgustin kidnapper, with that ugly tattoos, his car that smelled like shit, and that i could've died. I started freaking out, i was so scared, i texted Liam: "hi babe, are you awake?" liam answered like in 1 minute: "yes beautiful, i am. Whats going on? Can i call you? So Liam called me. I told him everything i was thinking about, the fear i was feeling, the sadness, everything. He said to me: "you dont have to be afraid jane, everything is going to be alright, and im here with you every time. We can go to the police tomorrow to tell them what happened. Just think in beautiful things, drink some water or eat some candy, and i promise you will feel better. And i am here for you jane. Text or call me if you need anything ok? I love you so so so so much babe." i said: "if i could, i would kiss you right now. I will do that, everything you told me to do. Thanks Liam, you are the best. Go to sleep its very late" liam said: "ok jane, i love you, see you tomorrow. Happy birthday.. Almost."

Aww liam is too cute... I thought of that ober and over. I want this day to be over, cause i wanna see liam again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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Kiss you, a Liam Payne love storyWhere stories live. Discover now