The kidnap

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Liam said: lets go for a walk, i will tell you there ok?

I was so nervous. What could he say? Is he happy, is he mad... I domt know. My heart is beating so fast right now. We were walking down the street, in our way to the park, and Liam grabbed my hand. I layed my head on his shoulder and we walked togheter. It was so romantic. I turned around and i saw Zayn, Niall, Harry, Louis and Hanna watching us in the window. I laughed and said hello. Then Liam and i countinued walking. Liam said: jane, i know we met few days ago, but i will tell you the truth, i am in love with you. You are beautiful, you make me laugh, you make me smile even if i dont want to. Thats why i want you to be my girlfriend. Would you be my girlfriend? I jumped because i was too excited, then i kissed Liam, then i runned in front of liam, and then turned around. When wewere seeing face to face, a man came from behind me, covered my mouth, pushed me inside a car and started going. I began screaming, i asked for help, i screamed LIAM!!!! Liam began running behind the car, but the car was going too fast. Liam couldnt catch it. I cried in the car. I was desperate, i was scared, i was sad, the only thing i could think about was: this freaking man has kidnapped me, when i was about to have Liam. Why me? I will die. The man tied my hands behind me, covered my mouth with a tape, and said: dont move! I began crying more and more. The man was tall, bald, very ugly. He was wearing black cloth, and black gloves. He had a skull tattoo on his neck, and a meteorite with fire behind his ear. He had a dirty black beard, and a big and disgusting mustache. I cried and tried to untie my hands. But it was too tight. I was in pain. My mouth also hurted. I saw he was taking me to an alley, it was something horrible. This man didnt talk at all, he just drove as fast as he could. If i can escape, i have to find out why did he kidnap me. I cried, i tried to scream but i couldnt. I thought about Liam, about all of the boys, maybe they saw this man. What about Hanna? What will she do. But most important, what should I do? Is that man going to kill me? What does he want from me? Then i remembered i still had my locker key on a bracelet, so I started to cut the rope with this key. When i finally cutted this supid rope, i took off the tape on my mouth and said: what do you want from me? Let me go! I cried. He stopped the car and threw me out of it. He shouted at me and left me in an alley, just scary. I was all alone and very scared. I just thought about liam, is he ok? Is he looking for me? Where are the rest of the boys? I started walking, looking for directions, or people that could help me. When i got to the street, i saw someone running towards me. He looked familiar. Oh God, i know who he is.

Kiss you, a Liam Payne love storyWhere stories live. Discover now