Are we going to UK? Finnally...

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We started to go off the plane. My hands and arms were shaking so hard, and i couldnt stop thinking "i am missing a 1D concert" all over aigain. I will never know them, thats for sure. But i just wanted to see them and touch them hopefully. We picked up our bags and started walking towards the door. We saw a man dressed in a British Arways uniform and holding a paper that said "MORGAN FAMILY" so we approached him and asked like are you taking us to UK? He answered "not tonight, but tomorrow morning lady" so we went in his cab and he took us to a hotel. It was nice, but it wasnt UK. I just wanted to sleep and wait for this stupid day to be over. I dreamed with liam payne. He looked beautiful dressed with a black jacket and jeans. My mom woke us up like at 5 am, and she said ok lets go to the airport. I jumoed out of the bed, jumped the bags that were on the floor and took a very quickly shower and went out of the room. I was freaking happy. When everybody got ready we got on a taxi cab and went to the airport. Yeeeaaahh we are living! Finally!! We ate breakfast while we waited for the plane to come. Everybody felt asleep after eating and suddenly a loud voice woke me up "janeeee the plane is living!" so we runned like if we where running a marathon and we reached the plane in time. OMG! 3 hours of flight and im in UK! Wooho. We talked, we sang, we ate white chocolate M&M's and slept a little bit. We landed SAFELY this time and went off the plane like crazy people running to find a bathroom or something. We grabbed our bags and went out of the airport and...

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