🍋Five Years Later🍋

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SUMMARY: Five year time skip, Louis wants kids, doesn't know that Clem does to, and after violet tells him Clementine does Clouis has a chat. As you can tell this one will have a lemon, I'm not really gonna give you more information about it. I Mark it so, those who don't want to read it can skip.

WARNINGS: smut! smut! lemon! lemon! For 18+ ONLY! Also, first time lemon, so... this might be pretty.... cringy. Sorry.

The sun shone high in they sky as Louis made it back to the school, ready to see his beloved girlfriend of five years, half a decade later and they were still going strong. They had their fights every once in a while, but those were almost immediately smoothed over, and he couldn't be any more lucky. AJ was growing into quite the young man, always respecting Clementine and himself, but more often than not being a hot-headed but overall well-intentioned teenager. Making him miss the days when AJ was smaller, when his 'little man' was only as tall as his hip, now Alvin Junior stood at his shoulder which meant he was just a few inches taller than his Darling. After he began to see Alvin Junior as a son-figure, Louis was beyond saddened by the fact that he never got to help raise the boy from the beginning of his life, but he was ecstatic that he'd gotten the chance to help raise him with Clem for the time that he has.

"So, Louis, I never asked you how you felt about what I asked last night? About the... pitter patter of tiny feet in your future?" Violet asked as she was led by Rosie back home. The great dog was growing older in age, more in size, and her gray fur was doubling in size as the years went by. Everyone knew that it was a matter of time until something bad happened, especially between her and AJ, she was beginning to growl and snap at him for any small reason. Louis and Clementine were worried about what would happen when the old girl finally lost it, they had a discussion about putting Rosie down when she lost all want to go on, or when she got a little too close to bitting AJ. It was a somber conversation with a bitter aftertaste.

"If Clementine wants us to have little ones, or even just one, from us both- then I'm all for it Vi, I just... I just don't know how to ask her. I mean, how am I supposed to approach that conversation? Just go, 'Hey Baby, have I told you how Gorgeous you are today? While we're on the subject of Babies, why don't we have a few!' Yeah, I don't think that's going to be well received, no matter how hard I try at finding the right words." Louis crossed his arms irritably while a few members of the caravan helped Aasim and Omar bring back the things they'd gotten in exchange for all of the animal pelts and some homemade soap. Louis groaned," I just want to continue our family, but I don't even know if her stance on children from us has changed."

"What do you mean?" Violet asked, only getting a curse from the pianist at first, "what? What is it?"

Louis sighed and rubbed his neck, "When Clementine and I started to get... intimate, I messed up once. I didn't pull out, and she admitted that she didn't like the idea of being pregnant, that she was afraid of getting pregnant. She was afraid of living long enough afterwards to hurt the baby, or teaching them the wrong lessons 'again' according to her, and when I tried to tell her that all of the things she was afraid of wouldn't come true she was too busy worrying over what wouldn't come true. I've never seen her so happy as when she read the negative test and got her monthly afterwards, and I promised myself to never bring up the subject of children with her EVER again. Not unless she brought it up first, or even looked remotely unhappy about not having any from us, it breaks my heart to think about us not having anyone to carry on our family besides AJ. I never got to experience being the doting father that I want to be, and unless Clementine feels okay with the idea of us procreating, I won't pressure her."

Violet took all of his words into consideration before she sighed, "well it's nice to know that you two are on the same page as each other now." Vi continued walking a few feet before she sighed," you can't tell her I told you this, Clem would kill me."

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