Restarting Our Story(P.1)

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WARNINGS: We got some feels comin' guys, I DID NOT COME UP WITH THE MAIN IDEA OF THIS (will have two parts)

SUMMARY: Clementine dies right after meeting Louis and everyone goes back to the time she met Lee. Clementine and Louis remember eachother from years ago (AKA: their first meeting) THIS WILL HAVE MORE THAN 2 PARTS!


Louis was captivated by her, everything about her was... mesmerizing, and he couldn't think of anything else as soon as he'd heard her call out to AJ. That was over an hour ago, now he sat at one of the tables, her in his arms as her skin got paler by the second. Stupid Marlon, sending her out there to help the hunting party come back, she'd been bitten when she tried to save him. His bestfriend, his brother from another mother, a boy she hadn't known even two hours, and she risked her life for him. Clem had a boy, someone who depended on her for safety and stability, and now she was leaving him far before her time. "Louis... I wanna let you know, AJ looks up to you, you're the only other person besides me that could have a chance to calm him down. Please... look after him for me?"

"Yeah, of course, anything for you Darling Clementine." He instantly replied, remorse filling his tone. AJ had said goodbye begrudgingly, and tearfully left her to say her own goodbyes to everyone else. They decided to say a short but sweet goodbye as Louis held her in a loving embrace that seemed to symbolise knowing each other longer than they actually had.

"Lou... can I... can I tell you something?" Her breaths were raspy but they were there, that's what was important. "I thought that... that you would be the one that stayed, the one that taught AJ how to be a young man, and I was right. You will be, AJ doesn't need me anymore, and that's okay. I want him to know how much  I loved him, how much his mom and dad loved him, even before he was born. There's a book in my bag, I've written in it for so many years I had to add more pages, so many pages... I thought I was gonna find another book here..." She gave a dry chuckle before it turned into a cough. "Read it to him for me? To ease what he'll feel when I'm really gone." Her soft voice made him tear up again, knowing that he couldn't just see her off without crying his eyes out.

"Yeah. I'll do it, you just... you wait for us when it's our turn right?" Lou asked, not sure if she would be able to or not.

"Was there ever a question Louis?" She asked, voice more hoarse than it was a little while ago. "I... I really liked you Louis." Slowly, her eyes closed, and he waited until her breath ran out before he held her tighter. Once her corpse twitched, Louis pulled away and gently slid a knife into the back of her skull, effectively giving her mercy. For a moment, all he could do was hold her and cry, which wasn't much of a change from when she was alive.

At some point, Marlon approached him and tried to talk to Louis, but all the dreadhead would do was glare at the blonde boy. Already knowing what emotion that reflected in his bestfriend's eyes, mullet boy backed away from him. Ruby was next, gently informing him that the grave was already dug, and that everyone was gathered for her service. Walking slower than syrup, Louis crossed the courtyard with Clementine's body in his arms, knowing that he wouldn't be able to walk her back to her dorm saddened him, but he knew that they- AJ and himself- needed to say their goodbyes sooner rather than later.  AJ stayed a little ways away, choosing not to see her one last time, suggested by Louis. AJ wasn't going to remember much about her, and Louis wanted him to remember her as she was when she was alive, not in her final moments. With Slow caution and care, Lou lay her down on the ground before he got in the hole, then he scooped her up once more before he lay her gently in the grave.

Caringly, he stood from his crouched position and exited the grave, already hating that he'd have to cover her with dirt and not a blanket. That only cemented the fact that she was gone, never to be seen again, never to see her little Goofball smile. Heaving his depressed thoughts to the back of his mind, he began to solemnly fill the occupied grave with the dirt to the side. It was a beautiful ceremony, despite who the service was for, and every one saying something. Well, everyone except AJ and himself, he was numb and the little dude wouldn't stop crying. Unusually silent, Louis sat in the chair he usually did, AJ next to him while they ate their dinner without a word.

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