Parent Conference

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SUMMARY: Clementine attends a conference for AJ's behavior in class, Louis tags along after Clemetnine gripes about Alvin's teacher hitting on her and Louis gets fed up

WARNING: Cussing, and unwanted advances

Clementine rolled her eyes as she unlocked the door for AJ and herself, wondering how they could have gotten into the situation that they did. Louis would be home when she had to leave for the conference, and he could make dinner, but he was far too uncoordinated to do so. To top it all off, the slip she held in her hand boiled her blood, it was a parent teacher conference slip that AJ had 'earned' for forgetting to turn in his homework. An action that he swore he had done, and her child was not a liar, not to mention how hard they all had worked on it last night and remembered to put it in his bag.

"Goofball, I need you to check your room for the assignment for me," she requested gently. Her words caused a confused and ticked off look from her kiddo.

"Why? I told you I turned it in, and you always taught me to tell the truth, so why would I lie?"

"Because I need to be able to tell the teacher that we looked everywhere for it. I'll look in my room and the living room, we can ask Louis to look in his room and the kitchen when he gets home." Unhappily, Aj went to search for the damned paper, and she sighed before pouring herself a small shot of tequilla before downing it.

"Geez, already Clemster? It's barely six," Louis remarked and she turned to see him looking in the fridge, "Marlon let me go home early. Something about losing money on fridays because I spot bullshit happening and throw out perfectly good paying customers." He huffed with an eyeroll, "I can't wait until my two-weeks is up and I start my new gig." He heaved a big sigh as he shut the door and looked at her, "what's up with the pink slip?" He asked as he grabbed the bottle from her and took a long swig, she handed it to him with a huff and took the bottle back before putting it in it's place atop the refrigerator, "what the fuck?"

Clementine looked at him with a slight glare, "that's what I said!" AJ called as he walked into the room.

"No swearing, Alvin, and isn't this the teacher that-"

"Oh, yeah, as if it couldn't get worse. It's him," Alvin Junior looked between her and Louis as she confirmed what he was asking, "I am almost one hundred percent sure that he hid the homework or misplaced it on purpose." If her son hadn't been in the room she might have reached for the liqour again, "he's saying that the homework we worked so hard on last night never arrived to his desk. It isn't in Aj's pack, he swears up and down that he turned it in, and so far it isn't in his room. Is it goofball?"

Aj shook his head, "no, I don't understand why he's being so mean. He looked at all of the other kids' work, but for mine he just put it to the side and said I didn't turn it in, when I went up there to show him where it was he told me I was being dis... dis resputant or something! Then he handed me the paper in front of the whole class and said that I was a bad student and that he needed to talk to you!"

Louis face darkened at the whole story, "kiddo, you said he looked at it then put it to the side?" Alvin Junior nodded, "are you sure?"

"Yes!" He yelled exhasperatedly, making Clementine wince a bit, worrying about the neighbors. "The teacher said I was-"

Aj was interrupted by someone -most likely one of their neighbors- banging on their door, Louis walked to the door and opened it with a sheepish smile. "Hello Ms. Lilly, how are you tonight?"

"Would be better if you and your wife could get your little brat undercontroll, seriously, do you all not think about your neighbors at all?"

Clementine was quick to hurry to the door, "I am so sorry Lilly, Aj's teacher is being a creep again. He hasn't gotten a hold of how to handle his emotions just yet, we're working on it though and appreciate your patience and compassion."

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