Lost With You

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WARTNING: Extra angsty, kinda happy, death, acceptance, really short.

SUMMARY: After Louis' death, Clementine doesn't feel the want to keep going anymore, especially now that she's been bitten. AJ listens to her last wishes.

Clementine gave her surrogate son a tired smile, knowing that it would be better for him in the long run if he seen for the last time with a smile on her face, then she closed her eyes and leaned a bit foreward so that he wouldn't miss her brain. Hearing a whosh, she opened her eyes to see herself slumped over, an axe in her head, and AJ crying silently. He was so small, but- "He needed to let go, otherwise he'd of been blind to the truth." Lee's voice came from behind her, and she turned to see him standing next to Louis. "You went like me, Sweetpea, when I taught you how to-"

"I know, it wasn't on purpose Lee, I didn't want to leave him all alone." Her voice trembled as tears fell from her eyes, shaking as she hit the hay on the barn ground. Sobs wrecked her body as she tried to come to terms that she was gone, that she'd never get to hold AJ anymore, that she wouldn't be able to comfort him after a nightmare. Arms encircled her, the familiar scent of pine and maple made her aware of the fact that it was Louis, "I didn't mean to Louis... I didn't want to-" harsh sobs tore from her throat as she realized that AJ would have to grow up without her.

"Shhhh, It's going to be alright Darling, it'll work out. I know it." He soothed, smoothing her hair as she broke in his arms, trying to keep it together himself. "Hey, hey, hey, look, AJ is doing what you told him to. He's found a way out of here, it'll be okay, come on let's go." He gently helped her stand and guided her through the barn door, through the walkers surounding the barn, and to AJ's side. "He's doing so good, Clem, do you know who taught him that?" She didn't answer, her gaze on him for a few minutes until he'd made it out of the horde. "You did, Clementine, and now he's going to pass what he learned down to the next generation."

Lee was right behind the couple, a small smile on his face as he realized what was going to happen next. "He's going to the school." Lee told her, steering them that way, to watch the small tot stumble to the gate.

"Vi... can you teach me Scientists?" He asked, remembering something that Clementine and Louis had told him about a class.

"Science wasn't the worst subject, lucky for you, I decided to continue it until I'd learned all there was." The blonde tried to make him smile, only gaining a long drawn out frown in response.
It had been three years since then, and AJ had already learned so much under Violet, Ruby, and Aasim's toutorage. Clem, Louis, and Lee watched with proud smiles as he began writing a final goal on the chalk board: Cure the world.
That was fifteen years ago, Clementine was walking next to Lee when a bright light shone from the sky, revealing Rebbeca. "Thank you so much Clementine." She said as she enveloped the younger girl in a hug, "the world's darkness is over, you may enjoy your piece of heaven. With Louis, Lee, and whomever else you want."

"I would like everyone I've met that's passed, to be there, but first I need to check on AJ." She answered before she walked all the way back to the school, where AJ stood, looking every bit as much of Rebecca as he did his father. He was giving a traveler the cure, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I was raised in this, what about you?" He asked casually, the glitter in his eyes looking so familiar to her, it was the look Louis gave her every day.

"Me too, I'm Marianna Garcia, I was... named after a cousin of mine."

"Alvin... Alvin Everett-Charming." He greeted, moving his hand out for her to shake, to which she did.

"Darling, come on... I want to show you something." Clem turned to him, happy tears falling from her face as she nodded. He took her hand, as he always did, and led her to a large purple mansion. "Welcome home."

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