Chapter 9: Are you kidding me!!!!

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I was in a great mood, until I saw Lexie looking fairly upset herself. I walked over to her to see what was going on.

“Lex, what’s wrong? What did you find out?” I asked. And what she told me next, made me furious.

I stormed over to Mia, I have lost it completely. I was a big fiery ball of rage. I think she knew it too, cause when she saw me coming over to her, she looked scared. Everyone noticed I was pissed off, but no one knew why. Dom came over, and started holding me back, only him, since he alone could do it.

“Scar, hey, what’s wrong?” Dom asked calmly.

“What’s wrong?! Everything! That stupid little bitch has been lying to everyone!!” I exclaimed.

“What are you talking about? Scar, you need to calm down.” Dom said sternly.

“Calm down! I’ll calm down after I punch that lying bitch in the face!” I exclaimed. Of course by then Dom’s grip tightened, not to the point where he was hurting me, but to a point where I couldn’t move any further.

“Tell me what you're talking about.” Dom said again.

“The baby isn’t Brian’s!” I wasn’t the one who yelled this, my mouth opened to say it, but Lexie said it before me.Thank god she did, cause I don’t think I would have been able to form the words to say it.

“I did some digging, cause both Scar and I found it kind of odd that Mia would bring this up, after Brian broke up with her. Sure enough I found out, that he isn’t the father,” Lexie paused then continued, “She cheated on you more than once, and the last time she did, she wasn’t careful, and got pregnant.” She told everyone. But she was doing something that I rarely saw, she was staring daggers at Mia. I mean, if looks could kill, Mia would be dead. That’s how I knew Mia was in for it. I finally relaxed enough that Dom loosened his grip on me, but still didn’t let me go. I looked from Lexie, to Brian, and what I saw was absolutely heartbreaking. He was so hurt, he knew we weren’t lying, especially with the way that Mia looked. She looked sad, but she wasn’t sad that she hurt him, instead she was sad that she got caught.

“So Mia, are you gonna tell them who the real father is, or am I.” Lexie asked. She sounded more pissed than me. Since we got here it was me who lost her cool, not her. So I wonder what it is that is making her so pissed off. Mia didn’t say anything, which pissed both Lexie and I off.

“Fine I guess I will have to tell them.” Lexie said. Just as she was about to say something she was caught off.

“It was Leon…” Mia trailed off. We all looked at her, she hung her head, and didn’t say another word. Brian got up and left. Lexie watched after him, then she went after him. I was worried, but I figured Lex would be able to help him, a lot better than I could. I looked at Mia, who didn’t say anything still. I just shook my head.

“Dom, let me go.” I said. Dom, looked at me, studying my facial expression, then let me go. I walked to my room, and stayed there for the rest of the night.

There's chapter 9. Sorry it's so short. I decided to make a filler just in case I don't update for a while, because of school.
Thanks for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed the twist I did!!!! 
Love Ya!!!

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