Chapter 11: Money, Money, Money.

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 Vince’s body was just laying there, on a table back at the warehouse. I walked over to Dom, who was standing in front of the table, and stood behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He was so upset, he did just lose his best friend. I didn’t know what to do, I’ve never been good at comforting people, to be honest. But I needed to try to comfort him. I just continued to hold him like that, with my head on his back, until he turned in my arms and held me close. He kissed the top of my head, then walked over to where everyone else was. I followed behind him, wondering what was going through his head.

“We need to move, we don’t have much time.” He said. I couldn’t believe this, after all that, he want’s to go back out there.

“I’ve got us a flight out. We can leave Rio behind in the next five hours.” Han told him.

“Not to runaway.” Dom said, not looking at any of us, then continued, “To finish the job.”

“Are you crazy Dom. We can’t.” Lexie said. I was thinking the exact same thing, but I wasn’t gonna say it.

“Its a suicide mission. That’s your man on the table. The plan is busted.” Rome said, then when no one said anything he continued, “This is bullshit man. Reyes knows we’re coming.”

“He’s right.” Tej said

“They tripled, maybe even quadrupled the detail at the police station. There’s gonna be a wall of gunfire.” Lexie told him. I was staying quiet. I knew there was no talking Dom out of this, so why waste my breath.

“Reyes, doesn’t get away with this.” Dom said.

“It’s a trap. You know that.” Han told him.

“Dom, listen to them. Run. Leave Rio, you can be free.” The female cop said.

“Running isn’t freedom.” Dom said. Then he looked at all of us.

“You know you're all free to make your own choices.” Dom told us, then walked up the stairs to a platform area. I was about to say something, but someone else’s voice came first.

“I’m in.” Hobbs said. We all looked over at him shocked.Like honestly, did I hear that right, or am I just imagining things.

“I’ll ride with you Toretto. At least until we kill that son of a bitch.” Hobs continued. I couldn’t help but smile at that.

“So, what’s the plan Dom? We can’t go sneaking around anymore.” I said to him, he looked down at me and smiled.

“We don’t sneak. All he cares about is his money.” He paused, and looked over at Hobbs, “We get that, we get him.” He told us. I walked over to him, and smiled up at him.His arms wrapped around me, as he leaned down and kissed me. Then we got to work.


Dom’s  P.O.V

Brian and I were on the freeway, we had the safe attached to the back of our cars. Reyes was catching up to us, along with too many cops. I knew what I had to do, and Scar was gonna hate me for it.

There’s too many of them! We aren’t gonna make it.” Brian said over the walkie talkie.

“We ain’t. But you are.” I told him. I know that I needed to be the one who does this. Scar needs him a lot more the she needs me.

“Just let the vault go.” Mia said.

“No, Dom, what are you talking about?! We’re sticking to the plan! Stick with the plan!” Brian exclaimed.

“This was always the plan. Take care of Scar.” I told him, and cut him loose.

I was about to turn off my walkie talkie when I heard another voice.

“Dom, please. Baby, cut loose. I can’t lose you.” It was Scar. I knew what had to be done. I know she was probably hurting right now, and it kills me to know, I am the one causing that. But I had to do this.

“I love you, Scar.” I told her, then turned off the walkie talkie.

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Brian then came over and finished Reyes’s partner off. Along with Hobbs who finished Reyes’s. off.

“It’s a hell of a mess.” Hobbs said to Brian and I.

“Yeah, it is.” Brian said.

“You know I can’t let you two go. I’m not built that way.” Hobbs said. When we didn’t say anything he continued, “The way I see it, you got twenty-four hours to get out of here. Money stays here.” He told us. Brian grinned, as hobbs kept talking. I didn’t catch what he said, I was too busy thinking about Scar. When Brian turned to walk to his car, I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned and walked to the passenger side of brians car.

“Toretto.” I heard Hobbs say. I looked up at him and he continued, “I’ll see you soon.” I looked at him and thought about it for a few seconds.

“No you won’t.” I replied smirking. I got into Brian’s car and we took off.

“You know my sister is gonna kill you, right?” Brian said.

“I know.” I told him.


Scar’s P.O.V

We were all waiting for Dom and Brian to get back. I couldn’t help but start pacing, I noticed Lexie doing the same thing and instantly knew she was worried about Brian. We finally heard a car pull up and Brian and Dom both got out of the car. I let out a sigh of relief, I was so glad that they were okay. However I was kind of pissed off at what Dom had pulled. Dom started walking over to me, and I was trying so hard not to jump on him and kiss him senseless. Instead I channeled my anger and got mad.

“How could you do that?! You scared the living hell out of me! I thought you were gonna die! God next time could you pl-”  I was cut off, by his lips on mine. I couldn’t resist it, I kissed him back hard, as I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. His hand rested on my thighs as he held me up. When our lips finally parted, I was looking Dom right in the eyes.

“I love you, so much.” He told me.

“I love you too.” I said, and smiled hugely.

“Okay, we get it, you two love each other. Now If you two are done, can we open the safe now.” Tej said. Which made us all laugh. I jumped down off of Dom, and he stuck his arm over my shoulders as we walked over to the safe. Tej opened it, and A shit ton of Money came pouring out. And I knew from then, we were about to start A New Beginning.
Hey everyone. So I know this may sound shocking, but I have one last chapter and then this story will be over. The next chapter will be the Epoluge and then it will be done. I have had a lot of fun with this story, this was my first story I have ever wrote, and I had my doubts but you guy's have been great. Thank you so much for reading. 
Love ya!!

A New Beginning *Dominic Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now