Chapter 5: Truth or Dare part 1

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“Okay Mia you stay here and keep track of where the cops are, Scar you stay here and fix the cars that are left behind,”  Dom told us.

“Um. No i am going out there with you guys and help, while she stays here.” I said pointing at Mia.

“Scar you are going to stay here and work on the cars,”  Dom calmly replied.

“No I am going out there with you guys,”  I argued as everyone stood back watching. I really didn't want to stay back for two reasons, 1) I hate missing out on action, and 2) because I didn't want to be in the same room with Mia.

"Scar, it's too dangerous, I don't want you getting hurt," Dom argued back.

"Dom I can take care of myself," I replied. I was getting really annoyed.

"I know you can, but-" I cut him off before he could say anything.

"But nothing, come on! I am always careful." I finally lost it.

"Scar, maybe we should stay here." Lexie butted in, she walked over to me.

"I have an Idea." Lexie whispered, I looked at her and saw the smirk on her face. 

I sighed, "Fine, I'll stay here." Dom walked up to me, putting his hands on my hips,

"Thank you, we will be back before you know it," He smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me quickly. 

I leaned up and whispered in his ear, "Just remember, I can not promise your sister's safety around me. If she causes me any trouble I will hurt her." I moved so I was now standing flat foot and looked Dom directly in the eyes, so he could tell I was dead serious.

"Try to be nice." He said to me, before pecking my lips and walking out of the door.

I looked at Lexie, "Alright what are you sceaming in that mischievous mind of yours." I said laughing

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room, "We should play truth or dare." she said

I looked at are like she was crazy, she knows I hate truth or dare.

"Lex, no way, I absolutely hate truth or dare, you know that." I reminded her. It's true, I mean truth or dare can be fun, until someone makes it awkward, then it's just awful.

"I promise you, it will be worth it." Lexie said with a sly grin on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her and gave her a questioning look.

"Let's just say there will be whip cream involved." And just with that sentence I was in.


Lexie and I got everything ready for the game. We decided who our targets will be. We had just brought everything to where the couches were, when we heard the sound of car engines pull into the warehouse. Lexie and I both looked at each other and smirked. We walked over to the guys, Dom came over to me, placed his hands on my hips and kissed me. Of coarse I kissed back, then I pulled away slowly.

"Well I see my sister's still alive, and uninjured." Dom whispered

I smirked, "Well she didn't provoke me to do anything." I stated simply. He shook his head smiling at me, then pecked my lips. God, he's literally making me insane. We all walked into the 'living room' and they saw a bunch of random things, like Jell-O shots, and Coronas, and of coarse whip cream.

"What's all this for?" Dom asked suspiciously. Lexie and I looked at each other and smirked.

"We thought we could play a game," Lexie said.


Alright Finally Done chapter 5!!! This is going to be a two parter, so Chapter 6 Will be Truth Or Dare part 2. I am terribly sorry That I haven't updated In a while, I had Major writers block. I also do not have internet at home right now, so just bare with me. Thank you so much for reading, Comment what you think, and if you have idea's you want me to incorporate. Also thanks to my Bestie, I am dedicating this chapter to you

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