Dan First!

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I walked inside in silence waiting for the forceful grip of Father to pull me down. To my surprise he wasn't there, I looked around the house and still couldn't fing him. Then I stood still contemplating what to do and heard the front door slam.

"Father I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!" I backed away frantically before I hit the wall.

In seconds Father was right in front of me once again, he shoved me back causing me to slam into the filth ridden mirror behind me. I head it crack which made me leap forwards to reveal the glass shards falling to the floor. The broken pieces scattered across the floor instantly making me freeze where I stood.

"You broke it! Your worth even less than nothing! I don't know how you convinced that boy to like you!" he slammed me against the broken pieces that remained on the wall making them dig deep into my back.

Then he simply walked away. As much as I wanted to run to my room to access the damage, I couldn't. I could barley move my arms let alone stand up, I needed help, the only person I could think to ask was Jack but what if that's what Father wants. Father might want me to ask Jack to come and help then hurt him, or worse! I made up my mind, I was gaming to wait it out, I would lie right there until I had the tolerance to move -

My thoughts were stopped in their tracks when Father took a stand infront of me, all I could see were his two black boots.

"You're a total disappointment!" he then stormed off out of the front door, moments later I heard his car hum to life, then the rubber of the wheels rolling along the tarmac. He was gone!

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and found his number. It rang, then rang, he finally answered.

Phone call

"J-J-Jack" I muttered much weaker than I had initially thought I was. "J-Jack."

"Daniel! What happened!"

"I-I-I I-I n-n-e-ed h-elp. P-p-pl-ease."

"I'll be right there! Don't move!"


"What is it!?"

"I-I l-ove y-ou Ja-ck."

"I love you too." he spoke softly before ending the call.

Jack's pov

The moment I heard Dan's frail voice on the phone I knew I had to go to him, whether he wanted me too or not.

"Mum! Dad! I need to go to Dan's house!"

"Why? What happened?"

"I'll explain everything on the way, but I need you to come with me." I paused for a second seeing how confused they were. "Now!" they jumped up and followed me to my car.

I drove as fast as I could over to his house while explaining the situation to my parents.
"Daniel's father is a really bad man that hurts him every day, now twice a day. He has never said this to me but I'm not blind I can see what's happening. When he was in the hospital it was all because of his father beating him. I tryed my best to get him to tell someone, to get help, but he wouldn't. Now he's really hurt and I don't know whether his father is still there or not. That's why you guys are here." I ended while I pulled onto the empty drive.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" my mum asked seriously.

"Yes, but we need to check that Dan's okay first!"

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