Carry On

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Jack's pov

When Dan told me to leave him with his father at the hospital it hurt me, I didn't ever want to leave him, let alone leave him with his father. But, as he told me to go I saw the desperation in his eyes, he wanted me to leave, he didn't want to see me hurt. The second I turned away tears crept into the corners of my eyes, I rushed down the hallways dodging doctors and nurses, getting evil stares from the family of patients. When I finally got in my car and went home all I wanted to do was sleep.

When I lay down on the soft surface of my giant bed I just wanted to sink, sink deep into the blankets and just sleep. Let all of my pain and worry slip away allowing my mind to breath. But no, sleep did not come easy, every time I closed my eyes I saw Daniel's father towering over him and hurting him.

Eventually my alarm rang, taking me out of my daze. I hadn't slept a wink. Somehow I made it to school, I had applied some eyeliner around my eyes to hide the fact that I had been crying. Other that that I dressed the same as I did every other day. As I unpacked my books, lining them carefully into my locker I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

I spun around and was met with the kind eyes of popular boy Daniel Martin. He pulled me into a caring hug and whispered into my ear.

"Will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

I pulled away scanning his face to make sure that his question was genuine.

"Do you really mean that?" I asked excited but still slightly cautious.

"Of course I do, I love you Jack."

My eyes lit up and I embraced him once again.

"Yes." I whispered.

He pulled me up off of the ground and held me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms were draped over his shoulders holding the back of his kneck and his muscles tensed locking me in place. He held me effortlessly, the look on his face hadn't changed at all, it held the same love and joy as always, more even.

He leaned in and kissed me ignoring all of the looks we were given by the students racing around us. The moment ended when we heard a teacher shouting from behind us.

"What are you doing! Put him down right now!"

Dan lowered me carefully to the floor keeping a hold of my hand and a protective stance in front of me. The teacher approached us with an angry look on his face.

"What do you think you were doing Mr Martin!?" she directed at Dan seeming to ignore my presence.

"Good morning to you too Mr Jacobs."

"Are you planning on answering me?"

"Well I can tell you have two eyes of your very own, so what do you think we were doing?"


"There are other couples showing there affection along this corridor."

"Yes but..."

"But what Sir? What is it that you have a problem with?" he asked innocently.

"Umm... Nothing... Carry on." He walked away in haist.

"Well done." I said running a hand gently over his chiseled chest the moment Mr Jacobs was out of sight.

"Thank you." he smirked and we walked arm in arm down the hallway to our class.

I didn't care about anything else, just that Dan was right there beside me, he was alive, he was, well, my boyfriend.

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