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Clem laid awake, her eyes trained on the ticking clock above her. The others had sense found their way to some sleep, including Becca and Duck who were practically attached to both her and Sarah all day. Not that she minded at all, it was good to have people who cared around. Meanwhile Kenny had taken a liking to an abandoned truck outside, he was sure he could get it running according to what Duck had told her at least.

She knew he had succeeded, if him barging through the front door with the biggest shit eating grin on his face wasn't proof enough she didn't know what was. That was a couple hours ago, and since then everything had calmed. Luckily they were able to find some baby formula for little Aj, enough you make it through the next week and a half at least. 

Better than nothing at all Clem thought.

She couldn't sleep. Her body still shook with mini trimmers of the cold. But she knew she couldn't blame the ice for her restlessness, after all Sarah was sleeping soundly a little ways in front of her. Becca was practically wrapped around the girl, their limbs tangled in each others. She smiled at them before her eyes shifted over to a sleeping Duck. 

Even in his sleep the worry lines were hard to ignore, in recent times the boy had been quite stressed. Her almost dying today did nothing to help, if anything it made it worse. 

A swift cold ran down her back but she simply ignored it. She had been in the house all day yet didn't have the time to explore the place. She was quite curious, she had to admit everything if it was a bit broken down it could still work as a temporary home for them. Maybe they didn't have to up and get away so soon like Duck and Kenny had been suggesting. 

She knew it wasn't necessarily a good idea but it was a hopeful one. She softly walked around the huge living area, the floor board squeaking under her unknowing feet. Sarah stirred, hearing the board creek but remained asleep for the most part.

Knowing the others were sleeping upstairs, she decided to step outside for a bit. She didn't think much of it, especially since they were practically in the middle of nowhere with a river of ice separating them from any immediate danger. She felt somewhat safe in a way; safe enough to sit on the porch.

The cold air practically knocked the wind out of her but she ignored it. The sky had gone dark, faint sparkles in the sky she knew as stars dimly lighting the earth. She couldn't see much, only about as far as Kenny's truck. She could care less though, she was too busy staring up at the stars, her head swirling with everyone she had lost in her life that far.

As he eyes skimmed over the night sky, she picked out stars for her fallen loved ones, naming each unique star she saw fit accordingly. She was lost in her own little world, attempting to find some sort of closure for her open wounds. 

She was at peace. The night, though scary was beautiful in it's own way. 

A soft smile found it's was on her face. 

She was so captured by the night's beauty she had failed to see the distant figure stumbling around in the dark. 

It was only after the figure had gotten a considerable distance away did she notice, and by then it was too late.

Before she knew it she was staring down the barrel of a gun, and the holder of that gun was someone she had dreaded seeing again.

Her heart sunk in her chest.

Troy stood before her, a scowl firm on his face.

"Don't do anything stupid." He smirked, "Out of all people it would be you I find out here."

It was too dark to read his lips properly. Even if she could read his lips she wasn't sure she'd be able to in the first place. Her limbs seemed to get heavier, her legs frozen. It was like her body had completely shut down in fear.

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