Hidden Desires

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Things get a bit dark this chapter guys


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Duck jumped up from his bed, his eyes burning in nothing but pure and unhinged anger. Clem got up too, standing beside him wondering what had him so rattled.

"You...You killed her..." He said again, his fists clenching as he tried to keep himself under control. Clem took a glance to the side of them, the adults too stuck in their own conversation to even notice what was happening with them.

Clem gently wrapped her hand around his arm, trying to keep him from causing any attention.

"No Clem....he-"

Clementine took a good look at the man that laid before them. His eyes were widened, a piece of his ear missing. He had dark skin, short hair, looked taller than Kenny from his position on the cott. The longer she looked at the man the more familiar he seemed to her until finally it clicked.


Duck took steps forward toward the man, who's glare seemed to darken as he did so.

"Why'd you do it? We did nothing to you...we- we wouldnt even be here had you just backed the hell off!" Duck's voice was starting to get louder, grabbing the attention of the adults that still stood around the fire.

Even  Sarah  and  Becca  had  rose  from  their  bunk  bed  to  stare  over  at  him.

"I- We just needed food." The man stood from his bed, now towering over both children. They both looked up at him, noticing the scar he had over his face.  

That moment in the woods starting replaying in Clem's head. How she ran away, completely missing the gunshot that had ended the life of the woman that had taken care of her the past few years. 

"It wasn't supposed to go down like that. I didn't mean to shoot her, she just..." The man attempted to explain himself but all Duck felt was rage. He shoved the man hard, causing him to stumble over a bit.

"Chill out kid!" The man screamed, for sure catching Kenny's attention who immediately made his way over to the kids. Clem, being the closest to Duck pulled him away by his arm not wanting him to escalate the situation any further.

Her grip around his arm tightened bringing him to his senses a little. He turned to face the girl, who looked back at him with just as much sadness in her eyes that he had anger. He sighed, forcing himself to calm down.

"Right. Sorry Clem, I just... I'm sorry."

Kenny, now standing between Duck and the mysterious man took it upon himself to ask what was going on between the two, but neither Clem nor Duck answered.

After realizing he wasn't going to get anything out of the kids he turned to the man, his expression holding nothing but confusion. "What do you go by?"

The man scratched his head before answering, slightly stumbling over his words. "Uh... Mike! My name's Mike."

Kenny nodded, "Well I suggest you keep your distance from my boy. He seems not too keen of you."

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Clem awoke to a sudden pain in her stomach. Her eyes cracked open, vision still blurry as they tried to focus. Once they did she looked up, following the dirty pants leg above her until her eyes landed on the persons face.


The older man looked down at her with a sneer. "Get up." He said nothing else, but the look on his face spoke a thousand words. He had such a dark gaze, yet Clem couldn't figure out what could be the reason behind it.

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