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Y'all remember chapter 1? Well we're finally here :)

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Clem laid face first on the ground, blood leaking from her head onto the hard mattress she was laid on.

She rolled over, groaning in pain. Her head was pounding, her vision blurred as her eyes slowly began to open. She could feel her own blood on her hands touching the open wound. Wincing in pain, she went to sit up using the strong wall behind her to keep her propped up after a strong bout of dizziness overwhelmed her.

She felt weak, like her body refused to move even though she wanted to. She could vividly remember what had lead her to this moment, and if she was out for as long as she thought she was Duck was near death, if he wasn't dead already.

All she could see were figurines of people, her vision too blurred to make out who each individual was.

She needed to get to Duck, and find him and once she did they needed to leave. She couldn't stay any longer, they would surely die if they did. She was on a race against time and time waited for no one, she had to get up.

She stood to her feet, using the wall behind her as leverage. Her vision had begun to clear more the longer she was conscience. Just as she stood, one of the people from her new group ran up to her; Carlos. "D-Duck?" She asked forcefully, her eyes filled with both fear and rage.

"Duck? Clem you need to-"

She growled in frustration pushing the older man back. She couldn't tell what he said but she knew he was about to feed her some bullshit, she was sick of falling in line, tired of "obeying" she had ran out of patience. "W-Where!?" She didn't care if she was loud, she didn't care if she woke up the entire damn camp, she needed to find Duck and she would by any means necessary.

"Carver took him Clem, we don't know where."

The girl tried to steady herself on her feet but she was fighting a battle with a bout of serious dizziness. She stumbled a bit, catching herself against the wall. She still attempted to push forward, her only concern being Duck.

Carlos grabbed the girls shoulders, halting her movements. "You have a serious head injury Clementine you need to rest." She looked up at the man, reading his lips a bit better now that he was putting in effort more. Even so, she wasn't just going to lay around when Duck was in trouble.

She yanked away from the grown man, stumbling away from him as she approached the ladder leading to the roof. There was one place she knew he could be, one place where Carver liked to punish his people. Right in his office, in that damn dingy looking chair. If Duck was there she would get him, turn on the PA system drop into the stock room and get the hell out of there.

Whoever followed was welcome, whoever stayed could for all she cared. Protest rang out, many in the group trying to stop the girl from leaving. All except Kenny.

"She can do it. I'm telling y'all she won't leave without him, we need to get ready!" He argued until he was red in the face, meanwhile Clem had pushed a chair against the wall using it to give her the height she needed to jump onto the ladder. Night had fallen, it was now or never. As she climbed she took a glance to her side seeing the herd that was minutes from colliding with the place. She needed to move; fast.

She got to the roof in no time, not even realizing that Becca was right behind her. As she approached the skylight she caught this feeling, a tingling sensation down her back. She didn't even wait for the person to potentially grab her, she just went straight into attack mode. She landed a quick jab to the person jaw sending the straight to the ground.

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