Oh My Darling, Clementine

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Trigger Warning

🌱  🌱  🌱

On the way to Carver's office Clem made sure to survey her surroundings. Her eyes scanned everywhere, seeing potential places to hide, supply stockings, anything that could prove useful to help the group escape.

Carver opened the door to his office allowing the little girl to step in first before he closed the door behind them just like he had done the day prior.

"Do I have to be with Troy? I don't like him."

Carver chuckled, ushering the girl over before he replied. "Nobody likes Troy honey." Clem watched as he rummaged through his drawers. He pulled out some knives, small ones, but Clem could tell they held some weight to them. 

She watched him spread the weapons out on the table before he stood to his feet, towering over her. Her mind instantly went back to their moment in the woods when he had struck her with his hand. She cringed at the thought.

Her cheek had barely had time to heal, her face still catching damage as the day went by.

"I'm pretty sure you know how to use knives, anyone with a brain can use one. Sometimes though a close up attack is too dangerous and guns aren't always around to save our asses." He gently took Clem's hand in his own forcing one of the knives in hers. Once that was done he led the girl to the back of his office, right where the speaker was. She inwardly smiled, she'd surely use that later.

The man came to stand in front of her, aligning her body with the target of the door he had set up before she came inside.

"Now, use those knives and throw em toward the door." He instructed, stepping back so as to not get caught in the cross hairs of the knives.

Clem focused on the door, her tongue poking out between her lips in concentration. She threw the knife toward the door, feeling a sense of frustration when the knife hit the ground. She was sure she threw it hard enough.

Carver went to pick up the knife handing it back to the girl. "That throw would be good if you were playing baseball."  Now that he saw her first throw he can see where to adjust her. "Hold it by the tip of the handle, keep your wrist as straight as you can and don't have your arm all out to the side, keep it straight, like this-" He picked up one of the knives and threw it toward the door smiling triumphantly when the blade got stuck in the wood, right on the red bullseye.

He took the girls hand, leading her a bit closer to the door deciding he would move her back more once she improved. He took the other knife from the bullseye setting down on his desk before talking to Clem again. "Aim is important."  Is all he said before stepping aside and letting the girl try again.

This was gonna be a long day.

*  *  *

Duck was stuck repairing the fence for the morning. The groans on the other end of the wall were loud in his ear reminding him of the dangers mere feet away from him. Walkers stood right behind the fence, one wrong move and they would be ambushed. 

The fence barely stood straight should any of them get to close it would easily fall over. 

He took a hammer, fixing the damage that Troy had caused yesterday. He laughed remembering the way Carver had ripped the man a new one right in front of them. It was hard to hold in his giggles, but he managed just fine. It was something so refreshing about seeing the ass of the group get torn down.

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