Little Sharpshooter Chap 24

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Randy sat up rather uncomfortably when they dismounted and unsaddled the horses.

“Yeah, I don’t know what got into Al. He was more interested in headin’ back here than findin’ food or water. But we got him to water eventually.” Trevor patted his side.

Randy clutched her pistol in her lap with both hands and was still pretty shaken. “Ya know, Al’s instincts are good. Of course I’m not sure if we’d all still be alive if y’all had listened to him.”

Bronson and Trevor both slowly turned and looked at Randy puzzled.

“What are ya talkin’ about?” Bronson asked tossing his saddle to the ground.

“Al was tellin’ you to come back for good reason.” She rubbed her jaw trying to rub away the memory of Clyde’s prickly whiskers.

Bronson’s eyes widened and he was instantly on his knees looking Randy over. “Did somethin’ happen to ya?” Bronson asked pulling her shirt closed and buttoning it for her.

Randy had to blink several times and swallowed hard. “Clyde was here. He just kissed my face and made me think he was gonna do more than that with a gun to my head. He thinks playin’ games with me is better though. He likes seeing me all shook up.”

Trevor’s face turned white as he kneeled beside Randy.  

“What are you doin’ with this whole sharpshootin’ thing, Bronson? I know there’s more to it than just showin’ off my skill and makin’ bets.” She pressed her finger hard into his chest. “I saw the notes you stuffed in your pocket when ya came outta the sheriff’s office.

He hung his head. “Yes. You’re attractin’ men that have a price on their head. Clyde brought so many into that last town that I didn’t even expect to make that kinda money. I didn’t plan on keepin’ it for myself. It’s yours too. I just didn’t know how to tell ya.”

“The thing is, if ya tell me it’s more than winnin’ a buck off those sorry bettin’ fools then I’m more likely to go along with your plan.” Randy had fire in her eyes. “Clyde wants me scared for my life. He thought I’d turn on you, Bronson, for knowin’ what you were doin’ behind my back. He plans on usin’ Trevor to get to me, to hurt him to bring me down. But Clyde told me his plan. I can teach Trevor how to play the games, and if we keep nailin’ every outlaw between here and California, I don’t see how he’ll win.” Randy ran her fingers down the barrel of her pistol. “He’s waitin’ for us somewhere either in town or along the trail and he showed me that he knew I was hurt. There’s no use in us hurryin’ to the next town. We might as well wait for me to get better and teach Trevor a thing or two.” As soon as she finished talking, Randy didn’t waste any time to begin Trevor’s training.

After three days of recuperation for Randy and training for Trevor and three days of travel through storms and unrelenting desert heat, they finally spotted civilization off in the distance.

Randy felt a mix of emotions when they finally made it into town. The town was big enough that hopefully it would be hard for Clyde to track them down. She didn’t find it likely though. For the time being, she was happy to sleep in a bed that night and she reminded herself not to let the outlaw’s threats get under her skin.

When Randy took Al to the stable, he was giddy to enter the stall with a pile of hay and a bucket of water waiting for him.  

She heaved her saddle off his back and followed Bronson and Trevor to the Hotel.  Everything she had missed so much was in their reach: a bath, hot food and a decent place to sleep. Even Clyde couldn’t take that from her at that moment. She put him out of her mind.

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