Re: Rants

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Dear Mr. Del Fuego

Have you ever doubted yourself lately?

Like, whatever you do or whatever things  you achieved , you still feel like your efforts will never be enough? That you will never reach people's expectations from you?

Have the star of the school's  Basketball team even doubts himself?

You know for me, it sounds so stupid when people comply with other's expectations from them.

Because hello? They are not born to impress, they are born to live. And we were not made to live for the standards of men. We are born to live in our own standards and goals.

In reality, our society sucks. Bigtime. Do you agree?

They say they made these standards for equality? For someone to make it as their goal? To inspire others to be better? That's bullpoopy. They only made these because they are already good in it, or they are the best in that field, and they only want you to belive that  if you'll do whatever it takes to achieve it, you can be can be like them. But in reality? you can't.

Ugh! Sorry for ranting, Stark. People in school and at home are really getting on my nerves lately. :/

PS. 13 more hours


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