Re: Dear, Mr. Iron Man

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Hey Stark,

I really don't know where to begin.

Those last two letters were just so...special to me.

You were the first one who did something so sweet and so unique for me in my eighteen years of existence.  And I totally appreciate it. Thank you.

Thank you very much for letting me experienced these things...for letting me feel that somebody can finally notice me. 

And oh! Your cousin, Grey? He had been so much fun to be with. He's a sweet talker, that boy.

When he delivered  your last letter to my doorsteps, (he totally ignored you and  opened it and yeah, he probably read it too hehe. But, please don't kill him okay?I don't want to lose another friend as funny as him )  he made these crazy gestures like he's an 18th century courtier that made me laughed so hard I almost end up face first on the floor!  Gosh Stark! You didn't say that your cousin is so funny!  Even my mother liked him! She even invited him over to dinner. :)

But anyway, I was just  thinking, what would you be like? Are you like him? You know? The goofy, funny type? I'm asking you this because every time I had the chance to see you in the corridors or just hanging out with your friends, you have this dark vibe that sends every one, that's not in your group of friends, running away or looking away at the other direction.

It's like they are afraid of you.

So can you see my struggle to imagine, a very fit young man like  you, with tattoos and all--- looking so much like the gorgeous bad boy from a very bad cliche story that I'm currently reading, and you were  dancing with your 7-year old sister to the tune of 'We did it' by Dora. Haha! I bet you looked so cute! :) I wished I witnessed it tho. Can you perform me that in some other time? Please? Haha!

But kidding aside, that poem you wrote, was just beautiful. Even if I can't understand anything about it, I can still feel something...I can still feel you in every word.

Please come back home soon okay? I kinda miss those paper airplanes in my balcony and your loud music every night.  (What band is it anyway?)

My dear neighbor, I will wait for you. I will hold on to your promise that you'll finally introduce yourself to me personally  and explain your poem word per word. 

Remember, you made a promise. 


I am counting down the days, when I can finally talk to you. I need a friend like you now. So much had happened in the days that you were gone. So, please Mr. Iron Man (I'm a movie buff bare with me! hehe) come home soon!

4 days, Stark. Four more days.


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