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Jin was changing the baby's diaper and he was just looking at him. His face always looks like he's smiling.

He knows it's most likely gas, but he'd rather believe that he's just a happy baby and that his surroundings aren't affecting him.

Yoongi's hardly home as much anymore, which is really fine with him.

But the times he is there, he's still a sex crazed monster.

He is always trying to tie him up in one of his contraptions.

But he doesn't let him anymore since the time he refused to untie him while his baby was crying for hours.

By the time he released him and hobbled his way to check on him, his little face was blue and voice was strained from screaming.

So he had to make a deal with him that he'd allow him to do pretty much anything he wants to his body, as long as he doesn't tie him up or stop him from going to his baby when he cries.

He still gets hit, punched and stomped if he doesn't do as he asks fast enough.

So he pretty much stopped leaving the house, cause he doesn't want anyone to see the bruises or black eyes.

He only goes out at night and only to get the absolute necessities.

He doesn't understand why he still needs to fuck so much. He know he's screwing someone else.

He's seen the hickies when he forces him to suck his cock.
They're always spread out along the inside of his thighs.

The one good thing is that he's been very careful and uses condoms every single time.

And Jin made sure to get to get an IUD implant while he was in the hospital.

Yoongi doesn't know about it, but who cares. Neither of them want him to have his kids.

Continuation of Yoongi and Hyolyn's conversation

"Run that by me again. You want to do what now?" As Yoongi listened to her plan, he was surprised by her cunning mind.

"I'm gonna tell my husband that I'm pregnant, and try to play it as if he's the father.

I'm 100% sure that he'll deny it and try to get a divorce. But if he does that, then I will tell him the truth.

That I have been having an affair due to his refusal to consummate our marriage. Which is grounds for an annulment, which will get both our parents involved.

He's never gone against anything his parents asked him to do. So I think he will have to accept our baby as his.

And once he does, then we won't have to worry about a thing after that.

Our baby will have the honor of carrying the Kim family name from birth and he'll be set for life. And I can still keep you on the side."

He smiles because from hearing her plan, he fell just a little bit in love with her.

"If you think it'll work then go for it."

"Good, now if I do this, you can't be coming around later trying to claim paternity. All kinds of things could go wrong from that.

My dad is not a very nice man, and if he thinks that you knocked me up and then not do the right thing. Then he will actually try to kill you.

So it's best that my husband is our baby's father on paper and in public."

He gulps, cause he ain't ready to die. So he is more than fine going along with her plan.

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