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When Jin got home, he was surprised to see his landlord waiting outside his door. He is a very nice man and always looked out for him.

He was an older man, about 60 years old. And lived with his elderly mother, who was bedridden.

He used to be married, but his wife was killed when a fire broke out where she worked. There were not enough ways out and she suffocated.

"Mr. Lee, is something wrong?" Jin asked.

His face looked so downtrodden and could hardly look him in the eye.

"Ye Jin... I don't know how to say this. But I'm gonna have to evict you."

Jin gasped and dropped the box containing his belongings.

"What do you mean? I haven't been late with rent. I have never caused trouble. So why?"

He then held on to his hand and cried, "Jin, this building is owned by the Kim's. The owners of lots of property around Seoul.

Mrs. Kim called me personally and told me she wanted you off of her property as soon as possible.

When I asked why, and tried telling her you were the perfect tenant she spat back at me.

She said if I didn't do as she said she would also kick me and my mother off the property as well.

Jin, I'm so sorry but we would have nowhere to go. We have no other family and I have no savings. The allowance I get for managing this property is what barely gets us by. The room and board are part of our arrangement."

Jin suddenly understood. He would have no place to live or work as long as the Kim's were involved.

He can't expect his landlord to suffer because of him.

"I understand Mr. Lee, no need to worry. Did they give you a time estimate for me to be gone by?"

"Yes, two days.. I am so very sorry Jin." He replies sadly.

"It's fine Mr. Lee, I know you have no choice. I want to thank you for being so kind to me and always checking up on me."

Mr. Lee started crying and turned to hug him.

"Jin, I feel so terrible. I wish this hadn't happened. Please be careful wherever you move to."

Jin nods and goes inside his apartment as soon as he calmed down. When he walked in he went to grab a water bottle and sat down on the sofa.

After crying for a few minutes, he started getting mad. Why is he being so mistreated by those rich assholes?

Just cause their stupid, hot gorgeous son took him home from a club one night? He couldn't possibly be the only one he's taken home, right? Do they do this to every guy he fucks? Why was he being singled out then? God, this was pissing him off.

Earlier after Jin was fired

Tae came to the hotel, foolishly looking for Jin. Hoping he'd explain why he suddenly left the next morning. After what he assumed to be a magical night.

He walked around the front desk and didn't see him anywhere.

So when he saw his friend he walked over to him. When he saw him he looked terrified. And didn't understand why.

He bowed down to him and stood nervously.

"Excuse me, I don't know your name."

He then quietly responded, "My name is Park Jimin sir."

"Right, well I was looking for your friend who works here. The one I was dancing with at the club."

His face suddenly saddened and he shook his head.

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