Chapter Twelve

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Eventually I made my way out of bed Ash and I had a plot of land to look at before we purchased it. If you're wondering where our money is coming from we did a bit of house restoration in the states and accidentally made a really good impression on a rich house wife who recommended us to all her well to do friends so we had a joint account that was entirely for business and due to no overheads we had a cool Mil sitting in the bank waiting for us to reinvest it and hopefully make it grow, regardless of the coin our respective partners were pulling in we were both extremely independent and needed this to feel secure.

Once the plot of land was purchased we had to ring around for a contractor willing to half build a house so that we could do the rest. We had an interview with 2 potential guys in an hour one to build the foundation of the house and the other to potentially become a building partner of sorts, there were certain things Ash and I couldn't do that we would need extra help for, we just needed to find the right fit that wouldn't mind taking orders from a pair of women.


I palmed my erection as I thought of how I had left Emily this morning, it would seem that over the years she had become more comfortable with her sexuality because she had been extremely vocal last night which was something she hadn't done in our fucking years ago. I was brought out of my head by Stone and Axel who entered my office.

"Hey Prez do you know what our women are up to?" Stone spoke, Axel very rarely spoke so Stone acted as their spokes person when they were together... not that Stone spoke much either.

"Dabbling in interior design I think why?"

"They are doing more than dabbling." Axel the man of few words surprised me in his defense of the girls.

I nodded, "Yeah maybe you're right but once we get them pregnant they'll have to give it up to raise the babies.

This caused Stone to snort, "You can tell them that boss."


"Okay Greg if you and your boys can sort out the frame and get it up in the next month we'll have another chat then."

"Yeah no dramas boss." He shook my hand and then Ash's before he got to work on contacting whoever he needed to.

We ended up only going with Greg he was an older guy that didn't seem to fazed about anything, he was slightly concerned about our self imposed time constraints but we needed to get the show house up so we could kick start everything else, he was happy to be a minor partner in that we asked him for jobs before anyone else and hopefully as we became more popular so would he so it would be mutually beneficial we might even get into commercial design, who knew.

"This is going to be awesome dude, let's get back home to go over the blue prints again and start up our website." I nodded and headed towards Ash's car. Even though I was vocally in charge on work sites Ash was just as commanding when it was the two of us, she was all about house plans and layout I was all about interior design, we were both hands on with the building process and we both worked on the website.

That's how the boys found us, we had house plans spread all over the dining table, my laptop was open to our website and our two iPad's were open with digital interior designs. Jacob was sitting next to me munching away on some cut up apple and colouring in his own bedroom design that I had printed out for him.

I nodded at the twins and Grim but continued talking with Ash about this house design.

"Bro you can't put an ensuite first and then a walk in robe, people will walk passed a toilet then to their closet I don't like that...." Ash grumbled.

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