Chapter Three

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I woke up to a heavy arm wrapped around my waist. I stretched as much as I could considering the fact that both Grim and I were on a King single sized bed together. I untangled myself from Grim and made my way into the kitchen. I was just plating everything up when Grim and Caleb entered the kitchen Caleb gave me a kiss on the cheek and a good morning where as Grim just grabbed his plate and sat at the table. I refused to show anything, this is the way bikies are.

I told Caleb I was going for a walk so returned to my bedroom to change into some work out gear. With my headphones in I could almost ignore the fact that Grim was following about 10 meters away. Looks like he's decided to back up to bodyguard, what the fuck did I do? I just shake my head as I make my way towards Man's Hill.

I was starting to feel the hurt spread itself throughout my chest making it known through the tightening of my throat muscles. I continued to swallow trying to force the feeling away as I made my way the fifth time around the block trying to get my emotions under control before I could face anyone. It wasn't working so I just walked into my room and shut myself in there.

Grim didn't bother knocking instead forcing his way into my room causing me to slide against the lino I just backed up into the adjacent wall and refused to look at him. Grim just sat on my bed and looked at me. I couldn't meet his eyes and knew that I wouldn't be able to start the conversation so I just buried my head into my knees and let the tears silently stream down my face, at least he couldn't see them. Unexpectedly I was yanked up into Grim's lap with me straddling him. He looked into my eyes as mine continued to pour silent tears down my face.

"Y-you need to s-stop man handling me." I whispered as I looked down at my hands.

"Why are you crying?" Grim grumbled out.

"I'm a girl, girls do that." I just sniffed trying to stop my tears.

"That's not a fucking reason Emily."

"Well it's the fucking reason I'm sticking to dickhead." I go to get off of Grim's lap but his grip on my thighs tightens.

"Emily I came in here to see what was wrong with you the least you could do is give me a fucking explanation as to why you're crying like a pussy." Once the growled response had left his mouth I shoved my way out of his embrace.

"Crying like a pussy? I don't owe you fucking anything Grim let alone an explanation; take your bikie arse out of my house and out of my fucking life I can protect my-fucking-self!"

"Dammit Emily!" Grim's voice actually rose above a slight growl.

"Damn you Grim!" I shouted back as I made my way into the lounge room walking past Caleb and Maddy who were curled up on the couch. I quickly grabbed up his keys and my wallet. "Look after Caleb and Maddy; I'll see you at the fucking funeral."

I drove around for hours not knowing what to do with myself. I settled for a movie in Shepparton before driving to Yarrawonga for the best Ice Cream ever made. I settled back on the grassed bank beside the man-made lake as I gazed out at the sunset, slowly eating my chocolate ice cream. I had noticed an hour after leaving home that a car had been following me around and when the two occupants climbed out of the car to lean against it a couple of car spaces away from Grim's I knew my Uncle had me watched. I hated the way that reassured me and made me feel safe, one of these bastards's could have been the one responsible for getting my mum killed.

I heard a ring tone go off and glancing behind I noticed it coming from one of my two body guards. Silently he came towards me and handed me the phone.

"Emily?" My brother's voice sounded across the phone.


"You can't push Grim away like this; he's trying to be there for you."

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