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I woke up the next morning after spending most of the day with Galaxy. We mainly fished and talked about all the things I already knew about him. I also helped him grab materials like wood and cobblestone. It was honestly relaxing, but I kept my plan in mind.

I'm going to try and make a deal with Illusion Steve. He says he wants to fix this world. What if I can do it without him? If I can prove that I can get this world back to normal then he has to let the illusion go. Not the best plan ever, but it's all I have to work with. I didn't wake up because I wanted to though. I woke up from feeling something touch the wound on my back. I flinch in pain and look to see Galaxy.

"When did you get this?" Now that's sound a little more like the Galaxy I knew after we got to know each other. Before the Illusion wiped his memories.

"About two days ago," I say honestly trying to get rid of my tired morning voice.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He pulls his hand back seeming worried about my reaction to him touching my back.

"It's not as bad as it looks." It hurts, but it's manageable. Just like a paper cut or a hangnail.

"If you say so..." He backs up away from me. I did feel a little bad making him upset like this over a stupid cut so I hugged him.

"Don't worry it should be healed in a week or two," I said to reassure him. He smiles and hugs back. Being careful of my back. "Want to eat fish for breakfast?" I ask trying to bring up the mood. He smiles brightly.

"I already cooked some!" He says proudly with a smile. We leave the house- If you could call it that... I could see that Galaxy had cooked a lot of fish already over a fire The smell of cooked fish filled the air, usually, it's not my go-to meal, but my growling stomach disagred. It's been a while since I've eaten well. Mainly from the fact that running for your life for a pretty long time makes it hard to eat properly. Which is probably why I am more on the short and skinny side in this lifetime. It doesn't bother me too much. Galaxy gives me some fish on a stick and I eat some with Galaxy. He has always been good at cooking fish.

"This is a really good Galaxy!" I tell him, and he smiles brightly.

"Thanks! I've been working on making the perfect fish for years!... well at least I feel like I have." He says confused about his own words thanks to Illusion.

"I think you have. I can tell." I reply to him and go back to eating. He finishes eating before I do. He puts his stick in the campfire he used to cook the fish. Once I was done with mine I did the same.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Maybe find some pufferfish?"

"I don't think we are near an ocean though." I haven't seen the ocean in a while now. The last time I did was when I disconnected... The word alone suddenly made me feel a large sense of dread. A feeling of being bound to a cold empty plain of existence. The panic I felt and- I shook my head to get that thought out of my head.

"I can teleport us to it." He gets up as do I. He offers me his hand and I take it.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"I'm ready." I nod while responding. Soon a white light covered my eyes and I could hear the sound of the ocean waves against the sandy shore.

"We are here!" He exclaims while pointing to the ocean. The smell of the ocean reminds me of a lot of things, both good and bad. Mainly good. I had a lifetime on the sea, I was a pirate, second in command after risking my life to protect him when he was thrown overboard in a storm. The songs, the work, even the beating sun. I miss it. Memories flashed into my head like a scene from a movie as I remembered what my third life was like. It was an adventure of a lifetime.

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