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Sabre's point of view
I slowly woke up. I guess I fell asleep when we were heading to Lucas's house. It looked like I was in Lucas's guest room. The same room I stayed in yesterday.

The room was still dark with a bit of sunlight coming in. The sun was probably rising. I wanted to get up, but it felt so warm under the covers. Everything else was cold. It felt like something was holding me and it felt good.

No something was holding me. There was an arm holding me around my chest. The other arm was under my neck. I moved my head up to see who was holding me while I was sleeping.

Time Steve was holding me.

He was still asleep and looked happy. He didn't have his mask on and I could be his black hair all messed up from sleep. I looked a little closer to see very faint scars on his face. Most of them were barely noticeable by now.

I didn't know what to do now. Do I wake him up? No, he is sleeping and it would be rude. Especially if he is still tired. Do I move? It will wake him up though... I didn't know how to feel either. Uncomfortable? Safe? Happy? Nervous? Scared of even annoyed? I don't know.

I felt my emotions swarm inside me. Trying to figure out how to feel about this situation, I wanted to stay and I wanted to leave. A side of me said this was okay the other didn't.

I tried to move, but he had me in a tight hold. Not that it was a bad thing, I just wanted to leave this situation as quickly as possible.

Time moves in his sleep. He turned to his right letting me out of his hold on me. I sighed with relief. I slowly sit up feeling okay even a little better than when I did before I fell asleep. Maybe the sickness is getting weaker.

I get up slowly to make sure Time doesn't feel my weight off the bed while he is asleep. I have no idea if he is a light sleeper or not.

The moment I got up a wave of tiredness and nausea hits me like an arrow. I almost stumbled from the strong feeling. I thought I was fine, but it doesn't feel like that anymore. I immediately sit back down on the bed making it squeak slightly from how quickly I sat back down.

I healed my head as a headache started to come in my head. I was really wrong. This sickness is getting stronger, not weaker. How long have I had this sickness inside of me... a few days I think, probably closer to a week.

"Sabre?" I heard Time Steve say from behind me. I look back to see him getting up. How long has he been awake? Did he just wake up?

"Yeah?" I ask him. Trying to figure out what he wants.

"Are you okay?" He goes over to me and sits down next to me.

"Fine. I'm fine..." I mutter not wanting him to worry about me.

"Is it the sickness?" He asked nervously. Wait how does he know about that?!

"How did you know I absorbed the sickness?!" I asked scooting away from him.

"I was right then. Lucas told us about Plague Steve and I just connected the dots." He tells me.

"Oh... did you tell anyone else?"

"I didn't get the chance, but don't worth about that. If you do have the sickness then your-"

"Dying. I know." Being a Code Jumper makes it so I'm not too afraid of death anymore, but now that this sickness is somehow destroying my code. It's more worrisome.

"You shouldn't even be up. We need to get this out of you before you die." He pushes me back into the bed. I tried to fight back, but can't. Like all of my strength was gone.

I probably don't have that much time left.

"Stay here. I'll get Lucas and Illusion. Try to get some more rest." He tells me.

"Okay..." All I could do was agree. Time looked upset and worried now. I kind of want to see him happy and relaxed like he was when he was asleep. Me agreeing seemed to help him relax a little.

He was about to leave the room when I saw his Mask and Cloak on the Nightstand.

"Wait! Don't forget your make and Cloak." I tell him. He first looked at me confused. He put a hand on his face then had a look of realization. He then looked at me nervously.

"Sorry... I forgot to put my mask on when I woke up." He goes over to the Nightstand and picks it up. He puts it on and then his cloak.

"I think you look nice without out," I tell him, I think he was smiling now, but now with his mask on I can't read his facial expressions.

"Oh um thanks." He then quickly goes downstairs. I watched him go down then I looked outside the window. Now that Time knows I have to tell Illusion and Lucas. I just hope it doesn't cause any problems when they find out.

Lucas's point of view
"Lucas! Wake up!" I heard a voice say waking me up from the dream I was having. I opened my eyes and looked to see who was waking me up.

"Time? Is something wrong?" I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Sabre is getting worse." He tells me. He seemed worried. I get up and try to stay calm even though I was worried too.

"I got him to lay down, but he doesn't look good." He tells me.

"Show me," I tell him and he nods leading me to the guest room. It follows inside to see Sabre was asleep. He was pale and looked terrible. I got over to feel his head and his fever has gotten worse. A lot worse.

"This is really bad..." I mutter.

"Can we do anything?" He asked.

"We just need to get Plague Steve's powers out of him."

"It isn't just Plague Steve powers. It's a sickness that killed almost all of us, Steves. From what I heard he destroyed it, but he told me he absorbed it." Okay, That's worse. A lot worse.

"I can start fixing the machine we used yesterday," I tell him.

"So you think having my or Illusion's energy could help?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"It would help get it out of him, but you might get it too if we aren't careful." Saying that most likely would happen. Time seemed okay with it.

"Also where is Illusion?" I asked looking for him.

"He said he was going to use your kitchen to make everyone something to eat." Time tells me. I smile a little. As long as he doesn't burn my house down I should be fine-

A knock on the door came from downstairs. Time was about to go downstairs, but I stopped him.

"I'll get the door, you stay with Sabre alright?" I asked him. He looks at Sabre then nods in agreement.

I make my way downstairs to the front door where I heard the knock. I don't know who would be here though. Maybe a Steve since we are close to the town? There was another knock when I got to the door and I open it.

"Hello-" I cut myself off and I saw a strangely colored sword go to my neck. I slowly put my hands up.

"Where are my sons!" I looked to see who was hoping the sword to my neck to see a Galaxy themed Steve and a girl with red hair and green eyes behind him. I didn't say a word as I hoped someone else would come to the door. So I won't get killed.
(Words 1333)

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