1' Best Friend

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The sky was dark, and it looked like it might rain soon. It was around 2 am, and the gang had just gotten back from their most recent mission. They all stumbled into their home, Bruno and Abbacchio in the lead while the rest followed. As they got in, they all kind of collectively flopped onto the couch in the living room. None of them were seriously injured, or at least not so much that Giorno couldn't fix it up with Gold Experience. Mista was probably in the worst condition out of all of them, since he ends up shooting himself more than the enemy 90% of the time. Abbacchio reaches for the remote, tossing it in the general direction of the others, only to be caught by Fugo. "Fugooo, can i have it pleaseeee?" Said Narancia obnoxiously. "Sure, here you go. I'm probably about to go to bed anyways." Abbacchio just rolls his eyes while Mista snickers. Lately, Fugo had been noticing that he just couldn't say no to Narancia. Fugo also was Narancia's tutor, since he didn't actually go to school. Before, whenever Narancia got a simple problem wrong in math, Fugo would lash out and get violent. Once he even ended up stabbing Narancia in the cheek with a fork. Fugo always felt horrible when he got violent, but he just couldn't help it. Lately though he had become better at controlling his anger, which overjoyed him. With that, he tossed the remote to Narancia and headed upstairs.

When Fugo awoke, it was still dark. He checked his alarm clock, and it read 6:37 AM. He tried to go back to sleep, but he was restless. To be honest, he couldn't stop thinking about this dream he had. It had been dark, and he was laying in a bed, in bad pain. Then, someone opened the door and stood in the doorway, covered by the darkness. They would say "Fugo! You're finally up! Are you feeling ok?" And he would become comforted. He had a feeling that he loved this voice, but he couldn't understand who it was. Then, just as they're about to enter the room and come into viewing distance, he'd wake up. He had been having this dream every night for about a week. It had never really kept him from sleep like it was right now though. At 7:00, he decided to just get up since the others would be up soon too anyways. Once he had gotten dressed in his classic red hole filled suit and strawberry tie, he styled his pale hair and walked out of his room. The first thing he saw was Giorno passed out on the couch. Bruno and Abbacchio seemed to still be in their room together, but Narancia was sitting up at the kitchen counter talking with Mista. He didn't realize it, but as soon as Fugo saw Narancia he smiled a little. The wholesome boy, even though older than him, behaved more like he was 12. The funny, goofy-ness of him made Fugo want to be around him more and more. As Fugo walked closer to the kitchen, Mista and Narancia didn't seem to noice him. He didn't want to eavesdrop, but might as well if they don't even notice him. He silently walked into the living room next to Giorno, still within hearing distance. "So Narancia, when are you going to get yourself a little girlfriend? Your already 17, it's only a matter of time right?". Narancia looks at Mista with a really nervous expression. "Uh, actually Mista, I don't know.. I've never really liked a girl before.." "Oh, so then you like boys?" Is mista's response. "Yeah, I guess you could say that". Mista smirks at him, saying "So any boy in particular then? Maybe one of the gang members?". Narancia blushes and exclaims "Hey! Stop Mista, I hate getting teased!". Before the conversation can escalate any farther, Fugo walks in while clearing his throat. Mista chuckles while Narancia grows an even more bright shade of red, and Fugo just casually opens the fridge and grabs some eggs and bacon. Other than Bruno, Fugo was the best cook they had, so he usually made breakfast. "Hey, can we get some too Fugo?" asked Mista. "Sure, it'll be done quickly" was his response. Fugo didn't like the way that Mista had been teasing Narancia, so he would be sure to give Mista four pieces of bacon. Speaking of the teasing, Narancia said "So um.. Fugo? You didn't hear any of our conversation, right?". Fugo contemplates for a moment if he should tell him he did, when he decides the truth would be best. "Yeah actually, I did hear. It's ok though, your my best friend no matter what". This cheered Narancia up a whole lot, as he had been scared Fugo would get angry at him or not want to talk to him if he found this out.

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