Nanamatsu - love letter (request)

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It's kinda late to post, huh? request by VngKhoaiTy . this ended up sucking real bad, so be warned, I guess? I've been writing Kaede a lot lately, I'm tired of that bitch. Maybe I proofread this, probably.

Chiaki had to attend student council meetings every Thursday, since she was class rep. Every time she went, a pretty blonde girl from another class sat next to her.

The pretty blonde girl smiled a lot, and she smelled like lavender. Chiaki found out through another student council member that her name was Kaede, and she was the class rep of class 1-C.

Chiaki was the class rep of 1-B, so there was definitely some hope that the two would meet somehow.

During lunchtime, Chiaki often visited class 1-C to get Miu and Keebo with Kazuichi and Chihiro because they had tech nerd stuff to do, and Chiaki usually saw Kaede with the detective dude.

The gamer had only talked to him once, and it was because he'd dropped all of his books in the hall.

Today, they'd come just to see Miu working on paperwork.

"Miu, what're you doing again?" Chiaki asked, standing by Miu's desk with Kazuichi, Chihiro, and Keebo. Miu say next to Kaede, so Chiaki couldn't help but stare.

"Helping Kaede with dumb council work.." Miu said, not really thinking and just focusing on the work.

"Huh, why? It's not like you to.. help other people." Kazuichi braced himself for whatever insult Miu was going to come back with.

"Shut it, snot for brains! And for the record, I'm a very helpful person! Have you fucking seen Keebo?" Miu looked up at Keebo, thinking about at the various upgrades she'd given him.

"He cries orange juice.." Chihiro chimed in, recalling Keebo's very orange tears.

"Done! Here, Kaeidiot!" Miu handed (more like shoved) Kaede the papers.

"Thanks, Miu." Kaede smiled. Chiaki felt all warm and fuzzy. She'd seen the same smile so many times already, but it only seemed to get better each time.

While Chiaki was spaced out Kaede waved to her. Chiaki swore she almost choked on her own saliva, but managed to smile and wave back.

"Alright, nerds! Where to?" Miu asked, standing up.

"We wanna go to your lab. It's the coolest." Chiaki reached into her back pack and grabbed her game boy. "Plus, Hajime broke this and Kazuichi won't fix it for me."

"You break it way too often!" Kazuichi shot back.

"Let's get going? We've almost wasted half of lunch already." Chihiro said, before Miu could say anything vulgar.

After talking a bit more, the group was off to Miu's lab. On the way there, Chiaki went into her locker to grab a book she'd need, but when she opened it, a note fell out. It had a lot of small hearts on it. She opened it.

~all of da notes r in italics~

Hi, Chiaki.

From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to get to know you better.

I may not seem like the kind of person to say this, but I'm too nervous to talk to you.

But, I've noticed you staring. Maybe you've got a staring problem, (not to be harsh) or you're interested in me too!

Come find me! - Your Secret Admirer.

~end note~

Chiaki was a little confused. Was this a love letter? Did she really have a staring problem?

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